
·《吴冠中全集》 ·人民美术出版社 ·世纪可染---文献集
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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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出版社: 中国摄影出版社
作者:钮益中  编著:
开本: 12 出版时间:
印次: 2011年1月第1次 所属类别:美术教育
ISBN: 978-7-80236-521-6  
定价: RMB 198.00





006 小桥流水
Bridges and Rivers
007 古镇细雨中
Tongli in the drizzle
008 河穿绿荫下
River flowing under the green shade
009 洗脚妇
Washing feet by the river
010 水乡夜更美
Greater charm in the evening
011 夜至泰来桥
Tailai Bridge in the evening
012 长庆桥
Changqi Bridge
013 蒋家桥旁景色美
Pleasant view by Jiang Bridge
014 晨洗
Washing in the early morning
015 禅音伴作
Magical music around
016 三桥的早晨
Three bridges in the morning
018 水乡天蓝浮白云
Tongli in late night
019 雪飘水乡
Tongli in snow
020 买菜归来
Return from the market
021 三桥将至
The three bridges are in sight
022 水乡夜
Light snow in the view
023 冰雪中
In the snow
024 夜色临近时
At dusk
025 夜游水乡
Travelling in Tongli in the evening
026 鱼嬉
Golden fish pond
027 水影
Reflection in the water
028 风吹云卷
Wind blowing, clouds moving
029 罗星喜雨
Delightful drizzle
030 乌金桥
Wujin Brideg
031 初春喜雨
Rain in early spring
032 绿抱水乡
Tongli embraced in greenness
033 水乡晨早
Tongli in the mornig
034 四季时光
Tongli in Four Seasons
035 古镇雪霁
Clearing up after snow
036 初雪
First snow
037 水乡冬韵
Tongli’s charm in winter
038 冬至屋脊
Roofs in winter
039 风雪无阻
Riding in the snow
040 雪飞时
Snow dancing in the wind
041 退思园雪景
Snow in the Retreat and
Reflection Garden
042 秋末雨后静
Serenity after rain in late autumn
043 晨照古镇
Tongli in the morning sunshine
044 仙境如梦
A view of paradise
046 大雾
Heavy fog
047 雾笼水乡
Misty water township
048 巷底的流动
A world at the end of the alley
049 穿心弄
Chuanxin Alley
050 七月古巷
Tongli in July
051 老巷
An old alley
052 我心等待
053 巷子深深处
In the depth of the alley
054 夕阳伴归
Going home at sunset
055 跨过
Cross the threshold
056 林中
In the woods
057 花黄菜绿
A world of yellowness
058 古街夜色
The illuminated old street
059 月夜
Moon shine on the street
060 小镇初醒
At dawn
061 晨曲
Melody in the morning
062 乡韵文化
Culture and Charm
063 跳起来啦!
Dancing cheerfully
064 古镇琴师
An old Erhu player
065 老外
A foreign visitor
066 古镇行摄者
A photographer taking pictures
067 又见炊烟
Smoke from honeycomb briquette stove
068 小画家
Little painters
069 静读
Reading alone
070 喜过三桥
Crossing the three bridges happily
071 鱼雁的主人
Owner of the fish-catching birds
072 冬日退思园
The Retreat and Reflection Garden
in winter
074 看戏
Seeing an opera
075 评弹
Playing Pingtan
076 老宅的记忆
Memory of the old house
077 独步寻古
Looking for memories
078 薄雪名园
The Retreat and Reflection Garden
veiled with a thin layer of snow
079 耕乐堂
Gengle Garden
080 嘉荫堂
Jiayin Lounge
081 廊红梦舟
Red balloon lanterns hung along
the veranda
082 窗外
Outside the window
083 寻梦同里
Looking for dreams in Tongli
084 后花园
Backyard garden
085 年末罗星洲
Luoxing Island at the end of the year
086 抬轿子
Sitting in a sedan chair
087 喜庆
088 敲钟
Knocking the bell
089 今又舞龙
Dragon dance
090 恬淡生活
Peaceful Life
091 老竹匠
An old craftsman making bamboo baskets
092 品
093 等客
094 相伴
095 小镇理发店
The barber’s
096 宝宝,快吃!
Hurry up, honey!
097 我才84岁
I am no more than 84
098 平凡生活
Ordinary life
099 祖孙情
100 和睦人家
A big family
102 快乐童年
Happy childhood
103 河岸边
By the river
104 收获的喜悦
Reaping harvest
105 老汉喜田活
An old man who delights in
working in the field
106 小憩
107 棚廊
108 巷口的记忆
Memory of the alley
109 赶早的老头
Rn old man in the early morning
110 洗耳
Digging the ear
111 备弄
Assistant alley
112 老街晨影
Rn age-old street in the morning sunshine
113 水乡晨早
Tongli in the early morning
114 石榴花下情更浓
Romance under the pomegranate blossoms
115 又见老友
Meeting an old friend
116 宅前
Standing in front of the old house
117 回家
Going home
后 记


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