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出版社: 吉林美术出版社
作者:何家英  编著:鄂俊大
开本: 8 出版时间:2012.06
印次: 2012年8月第一次 所属类别:中国画
ISBN: 978-7-5386-6852-0  
定价: RMB 388.00




化真为美—何家英作品解读 6^_^Beautifying the Reality-Interpretation of Mr. He Jiaying’s Works 12
工笔^_^Fine Brushwork 21
街道主任^_^Director of the Streets 22
山地^_^Hilly Area 26
十九秋^_^The Nineteenth Autumn 31
米脂的婆姨^_^Woman in Mizhi County 36
静夜思^_^Thinking in a Quiet Night 40
清明^_^Tomb-Sweeping Day 42
酸葡萄^_^Sour Grapes 45
无声^_^Silence 50
魂系马嵬(与高云合作) ^_^Soul Tied to Ma Wei (Cooperating with Mr.Gao Yun) 55
孤叶^_^Lonely Leaves 60
红苹果^_^A Red Apple 62
贵妃出浴^_^Royal Bathing 64
西施浣纱^_^Xi Shi Washing the Gauze 65
貂蝉拜月^_^Diao Chan Worshiping the Moon 66
昭君出塞^_^Wang Zhaojun 67
秋冥^_^Meditating in Autumn 68
落英^_^Blossom 72
若云^_^Ruo Yun 78
初春^_^Early Spring 80
绣女^_^Embroidered Woman 84
朝•露•桑^_^Morning, Dew and Mulberry 86
韩国留学生^_^A Foreign Student From South Korea 90
独坐黄昏后^_^Sitting Alone in the Sunset 92
沧桑^_^Vicissitude 94
心语^_^Speaking from the Heart 96
幽谷^_^Valley 100
舞之憩^_^Dance Break 102
写意^_^Freehand Brushwork 109
春城无处不飞花^_^Women Contribute to Production 110
小猪倌^_^The Little Swineherd 114
竞折团荷遮晚照^_^A Blushing Girl 116
丽日^_^A Sunny Day 118
裸女^_^A Nude Woman 120
裸女^_^A Nude Woman 122
人物^_^Figure Painting 124
初雪^_^First Snow 125
淡日^_^A Plain Day 126
踏涧^_^In the Ravine 128
思^_^Thinking 130
净莲^_^A Pure Lotus 132
凝雪^_^Gazing upon the Snow 134
读书图^_^Reading 136
裸女^_^A Nude Woman 138
夏日情怀之一^_^Summer Ⅰ 140
夏日情怀之二^_^Summer Ⅱ 142
香雪^_^Plum Blossom 144
瀑^_^Waterfall 146
醉花荫^_^Flower Shade 147
月夜凝香^_^The Moon Tells My Love 149
百花兴旺^_^Flowers in a Riot of Colours 150
濠江花路^_^Lotus for Macao 151
醉艳^_^Natural Beauty 152
竹楼小主人^_^Little Hostess of the Bamboo House 154
梅花双清^_^Pure As Plum Blossom 158
露湿芭蕉^_^Dewy Palms 160
花雨^_^Flower Rain 162
素心^_^Pure-Minded 164
冬季^_^Winter 165
土耳其所见^_^In Turkey 166
阳光下的土耳其妇女^_^Turkish Women under the Sunshine 167
柳荫读书图^_^Reading in the Shade 168
竹林漫步^_^Wandering in the Groves of Bamboo 169
静幻^_^Fantasy 170
天心月圆^_^Master Hong Yi 172
鸣凤^_^A Girl Named Ming Feng 174
蕉阴仕女^_^Lady in the Shade of Palms 176
入梦^_^Dreaming 178
人物^_^Figure Painting 180
孙中山在天津^_^Sun Yat-sen in Tianjin 182
阿坝风情(组画)之一^_^Spirit of Aba Ⅰ 184
阿坝风情(组画)之二^_^Spirit of Aba Ⅱ 186
阿坝风情(组画)之三^_^Spirit of Aba Ⅲ 188
阿坝风情(组画)之四^_^Spirit of Aba Ⅳ 190
凝眸^_^Gaze 192
羌族少女^_^A Qiang Minority Girl 194
松荫清暑图^_^Cooling Under the Pines 196
庾信春晓^_^Spring Dawn 197
一枝春雪冻梨花^_^Pear Blossom Frozen in the Spring Snow 198
留得华芳玉露香^_^Stay the Youth 201
夏日图^_^Summer 202
醉眠花荫香满衣^_^Sleeping in the Fragrance of Flowers 203
花落东君^_^Fallen Flowers in Spring 204
雪霁^_^A Clear Day after Snow 206
幽思^_^Thinking 208
蕉苑品茗图^_^Having a Cup of Tea under the Palms 212
丽人百合^_^Beauty and Lilies 213
野趣^_^Outdoors 214
丹麦美人鱼^_^Danish Little Mermaid 218
相思图^_^Miss You 220
圣水湖畔^_^Holy Water 222
人物^_^Figure Painting 224
丹巴丽人^_^A Beauty Lady in Danba County 226
女人体^_^Female Nude 228
人物^_^Figure Painting 229
澳门女学生^_^A Student from Macao 230
闲日^_^Leisure Time 232
藏族少女^_^A Tibetan Girl 234
萨马兰奇^_^Samaranch 236
胜利女神^_^Victory 238
秋水^_^Autumn Water 242
万缕情思一梦中^_^Shall We Meet in the Dream 247
春到阿坝^_^Spring to Aba 248
闲日^_^Leisure Time 250
清风^_^Breeze 253
竹荫清暑^_^Cooling in the Groves of Bamboo 254
人在春意阑珊处^_^Spring is Waning 255
冷露^_^Cold Dews 260
侗族女孩^_^A Dong Minority Girl 261
杨开慧^_^Miss Yang Kaihui 262
惠安女^_^Woman in Huian County 270
一枝寒玉淡春辉^_^What a Chaste Girl 272
素心^_^Pure-Minded 274
月兔^_^Jade Rabbit 276
柳暗素心幽怀图^_^Pure Girls under the Willows 278
溪间野趣^_^Wild in the Stream 280
梨园少女^_^A Young Lady in the Pear Orchard 282
何家英年表^_^He Jiaying 284


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