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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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出版社: 中国民族摄影艺术出版社
作者:吴芳  编著:
开本: 12 出版时间:2012.08
印次: 2012年8月第一次 所属类别:摄影摄像
ISBN: 978-7-5122-0276-4  
定价: RMB 198.00


  Reinhard Krause
  -Global Pictures Editor,Reuters-
  Based in London and responsible for the global editorial pictures production for Reuters News Pictures.
  During my five years as Chief Photographer China for Reuters,Jianan Yu's work immediately caught my attention.His pictures are great.
  But what is a great picture?
  That is probably the most asked question in our business and the answer can become very philosophical.
  A good picture is highly aesthetic and it's understood without further explanation.It creates an emotional attachment to the subject.It moves the audience.
  It stands out against the flood of pictures available worldwide.It is prominently used by all media and gets the most attention.
  This picture has the potential to win awards or will be one of the handful of iconic pictures which become timeless.
  Sometimes you need a little bit of luck but in general great pictures are taken by a technically skilled,creative,intelligent and responsible photographer.
  It is taken by a top journalist and artist with a camera.
  Jianan Yu creates these great pictures on a day-to-day basis with all his ambition and energy.
  He is an artist using shapes and colours.The way he sees,feels and designs his pictures makes them different.
  His work follows Chinese traditions and culture,and as a leading documentary photographer he captures the immense changes and developments in his home country.
  His work is driven by humanism and a deep respect of the people who appear in his pictures.
  It was a great honour for me to meet Jianan Yu and I'm thankful that I could spend time with him.
  I'm happy to have him as a friend.


1 活着的纪念碑
Living monument

11 卡雅利莎孩子的足球梦
Football dream of th children in Khayelitsha

21 在涨价的日子里
In the price soaring-up days

31 家有植物人
Family with a vegetative member

41 毕业季
Senior Year

51 大棚里的夫妻床
Couple Beds in the Greenhouse

63 假药阴影下的母子
Mother and son in the shadow of quack medicine

75 与煤共舞
Dancing with Coal

85 菜棚里的暑假
The Summer Break in Vegetable Shed

95 被冷漠的平民英雄
The disregarded heroes

107 粉尘民工
Migrant Workers Covered in Dust

117 矽肺之痛
The pain of silicosis

129 有一种葬礼叫不眠
Funeral but “not dead”

139 康复之路
The Path to Recovery

149 家住烂尾楼
Living in half finished buildings

159 我的家在报废汽车上
Scrapped cars,our“homes”

169 夜店里的女孩们
Girls at nightclubs

181 被遗忘的时光
Forgotten Life

193 乳娘村的孩子
“Wet Nurse”Village

205 青春有悔
“Regret,youth mistake”

217 流浪传奇
Nice Gamin's life

225 徽剧后生
Hui opera epigenetic


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