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·傅抱石全集(6卷) ·紫禁城出版社 ·上海中国画院书法篆刻集
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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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> 春荣---王璜生作品选
出版社: 岭南美术出版社
作者:王璜生  编著:魏曼、刘一行
开本: 20开 出版时间:2006.09
印次: 第一次 所属类别:中国画
ISBN: 7-5362-3539-9  
定价: RMB 98.00




1 玫瑰 The Roses
2 丽鸟 A delicate bird
3 梦 Dreams
4 依稀 Hazy memory
5 金色秋天 The golden autumn
6 春鸣 The voice of the spring
7 幽兰生空谷 Orchid from the rocks
8 野花 Wild flowers
9 花间 From the glimpse of the flowers
10 瓶花 The flower vase
11 海棠花 Flower impressions
12 芙蓉世界 The world of lotus
13 野兴 A wilderness of deligh
14 双鸟 The twin birds
15 松花 The flowers of the pine
16 栖 Resting
17 听风图 The episode of the breezing wind
18 一老一小图 Young and old
19 夏日 Summer days
20 一盆幽兰 Orchid: the one and only
21 窗前 In front of the window
22 盛21 窗前 In front of the window
夏 Midsummer
23 听香图 The whispering of the perfume
24 晴窗丽日 The bright days that shine through the windows
26 窗涵天地远 The vast universe extending from the window
27 向日葵 Sunflowers
29 烂漫图 Shine
28 鱼趣 The joyous fish
30 瓶花 Flowers in the vase
31 秋艳图 The beauty of autumn
32 晴光图 Bright light
33 夏日 Summer days
34 一束玫瑰 A bunch of roses
35 墨玫瑰 Black roses
36 新雨后 After the new rain
37 清心图 A clear heart
38 清逸图 The picture of serenity
39 纫秋兰以为佩 The petticoat of the autumn orchids
40 王者香 The fragrance of the crown
42 纫兰咏骚 The chorus of the orchid
41 九畹生香 The fragrance of the orchid
43 亭亭幽香 The perfume of quiescence
44 贞石幽芳 Fragrance and spirit
45 高风图 Wind
46 顽石秋兰 The stone and the autumn orchid
47 幽谷图 The serenity of a valley
49 一片冰心在玉壶 The heart of jade
48 清气图 The spirit of the pure air
50 兰芳石坚 The characterization of orchid and stone
51 双清图 The twins of purity
52 滋兰九畹 The serenity of the blooming orchid
53 晨露有香 The fragrance of the morning dew
54 夏雨 Summer rain
55 迎春 A salute to spring
56 梦之花 The flowery dream
57 秋英图 Symphony in yellow
58 金百合 Golden lily
59 灿然图 The facet of brightness
60 清香 The pure fragrance


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