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> 历代潮人名家书画
出版社: 岭南美术出版社 |
编著:杨得鸿 |
开本: 889mm×1194mm 1/8 |
出版时间:2009.7 |
印次: 2009年7月第一版 |
所属类别:中国画 |
ISBN: 978-7-5362-4123-7 |
定价: RMB 368.00 |
吴南生先生在《潮汕文库》序言中提到:“老舍先生一再握别叮咛‘要珍惜潮汕的文化遗产,要好好发掘整理啊!’”蔡仰颜先生在《潮汕历代书画录》代序中指出:“潮汕书画界,在理论研究、地方书画史料的搜集、整理等方面仍是一个薄弱环节。”老前辈的谆谆教诲使我受到启发并产生信念:以收集历代潮人书画作品为专题,为潮人文化传承做一点贡献!饶宗颐教授曾经强调:“潮人现在在国际上各个领域都很成功,但潮人文化的研究仍需靠大家共同努力,提高档次,多出成果。” 本人敬仰饶老已十载,多次聆听其教诲,由此,写首打油诗以自勉:吾饮韩江水,余思潮先贤;愿踵先贤迹,尽抒故乡情。
The cultural characteristic of Chaozhouer is the combination of central plains’ essence and western civilization, which constructs for the abundant cultural forms.
In the ancient history, China met the splendid Tang Dynasty, while Chaozhou the frontier of Southern China saw the first light of morning as well. Several senior officers of imperial court such as Chang Guan, Han Yu and Li Deyu made great effort on communicating the culture between central plains and Chaozhou. They brought a new life to this old traditional land. The diligent and brave people had improved the creation of Chaozhou art culture with their brilliant talent. There was a remarkable picture: in Song Dynasty, it appeared the rare situation of “Three thousand people took the national Jinshi examination, and twenty Chaozhouers got the top ranking”. That is why Chaozhou has an honor name called “Haibin Zoulu”. Guangji Bridge was famous in the world for its creative bascule design. The China from Bijia Mountain had joined the Maritime Silk Road. The outstanding art works also represented in Chaozhou music, Chaozhou opera, Chaozhou embroidery, Chaozhou cuisine, Chaozhou Kungfu tea and Chaozhou wooden sculpture in golden painting. The traditional culture of Chaozhouer has been transferred from generation to generation.
In the aspect of calligraphy and painting art, there was rare works before Yuan Dynasty, except Liu Fang whose calligraphy was in record. The golden time of Chaozhou art culture is Ming and Qing Dynasties. The appearance of masters like Lin Daqin, Huang Jin and Chen Qiong had made Chaozhou calligraphy and painting placed a significant position in Chinese traditional art. The particular location causes the spectacle of Chaozhouer’s art achievement. These numerous artists inherited from traditional Jingjin style, Hai style, Min style, Lingnan style and so on. All the styles were from different areas’ heritage and different levels, nevertheless the artists were able to learn the advantage of others and combine together into the fine harmony. In 1915 the National Painting Competition, which was held in Nanjing, Wu ling’s figure, Wu Qing’s fish and Hu Kai’s chrysanthemum-and-butterfly, were won the golden prize. After 1949, Chen Tianxiao awarded the top prize in the First and Second National Art Exhibition. These artists are the most shining stars in historical art river and win the honor for all the Chaozhouer.
What can be signified as a nation or a place’s origin of civilization and the power of survival? Who can victim the people’s talent and creation? The answer is the crystallization of the art culture. What it represents can open the mind and widen the horizon. Within the every inch of art works, we see the countless beautiful scenes, and experience history, present and future through the magical time. The traditional Chinese flower-and-bird painting just like the pleasure melody helps to relax you; the landscape painting just like the spirit exploration invites you to enjoy. In this moment, your mind will become agile and refresh.
Mr. Wu Nansheng in Chaoshan Culture Collection mentioned “Mr. Laoshe exhorted him several times by saying ‘You must treasure Chaoshan’s cultural heritage and make properly explore and organize’”. Mr. Cai Yangyan in the preface of Chaoshan Past Generations’ Calligraphy and Painting Collection pointed out “In Chaoshan calligraphy and painting circles, there are some weak sections in particular such as the theory studies, the collection and the organization of historical material”. Their words inspired me a faith that I want to select and collect Chaozhouer’s calligraphy and painting from past generations and make my own contribution for Chaozhou cultural heritage. Professor Rao Zongyi emphasized: “Nowadays, many Chaozhouers are successful in different international fields, and the research of Chaozhou culture is still base on everybody’s effect. Try to improve the level and gain the good result”. It has been one decade that I learned Mr. Rao’s words in heart many times, so I write a poet to encourage myself: I am drinking Hanjiang water, thinking of Chaozhou ancestry, wishing to learn spirit and expressing my love to motherland.
In these two decades, I selected and collected the fine works in the art world. There are still some pities, however, it is delight that I had collected 368 pieces of fine works from 223 masters who were born or had been worked in Chaozhou in recent five hundreds years. In this book, there are 135 pieces of works from Ming Dynasty courtier like Huang Jin, Wu Dianbang and Qing Dynasty Zhuangyuan like Liang Guozhi, Huang Siyong. In Qing Dynasty, there are 28 pieces of works from the landscape painters like Fang Xiu, Huang Bi and Yu Ying; 60 pieces of works from figure painters like Yuan Zheng, Xie Sigong and Zhan Yun; 145 pieces of works from bird-and-flower painters like Chen Qiong, Wu Nanquan and courtier Fu Xi. The painting style has absorbed the art essence since Jin and Tang Dynasties; meanwhile, its characteristic combines the North and South China and local feature. The calligraphy style not only has the traditional technique but also express the strong personality. All of these fine works are highly recommended by Chaozhouer.
The number of Chaozhou elite is countless, just like Hanjiang River is running all the way long. This time, I select some fine works from Chaozhou ancestries and publish as Yule Zai’s collection. And this book is for all the people who are interested in Chaozhou art culture!
黄 锦 草书立轴 1
吴殿邦 草书立轴 2
房 修 山水图 3
黄 璧 山水人物图 4
梁国治 楷书扇面 5
陈 琼 招财虎图 6
吴南泉 墨祥龙图 7
余 颖 山水人物四屏 8,9
王利亨 行书对联 10
郑家兰 行书中堂 11
蔡学元 行书四屏 12,13
林一铭 行书四屏 14,15
张世哲 行书立轴 16
袁 镇 行书立轴 16
袁 镇 肖像 17
杨振麟 行书立轴 18
谢思恭 仕女图 19
丁日昌 行书金笺扇面 20
钟孟鸿 行书对联 21
刘溎年 行书四屏 22,23
鲁琪光 行书四屏 24,25
方功惠 行书四屏 26,27
吴 凌 山水人物四屏 28,29
陈香泉 行书对联 30
何如璋 行书立轴 31
金 元 花卉图 32
符 翕 楷书对联 33
符 翕 花卉四屏 34,35
黄思永 行书四屏 36,37
范祖庚 行书立轴 38
林芳梅 行书立轴 38
郑心经 行书对联 39
赖以尊 楷、行、草书册页 40
李映梅 行书四屏 41
吴 青 鱼乐图四屏 42,43
詹 沄 山水人物四屏 44,45
吴佐熙 行书立轴 46
蔡心侬 竹石图 46
吴道镕 行书立轴 47
王 昆 花篮长卷 48,49
郑 芳 山水人物图 50,51
张子翰 行草书法 50,51
周 渭 花蝶图 52
陈元章 花鸟图 53
胡 楷 花蝶图 53
柯松坡 行书对联 54
杨国崧 山水人物图 55
高振之 花鸟图 55
沈瑶池 刘海戏蟾 56
陈 典 群仙图 57
王延康 行书立轴 58
陈宝瑜 行书立轴 58
谢义谦 行书立轴 59
李香谿 行书立轴 59
李香谿 花卉四屏 60,61
许应时 行书四屏 62
蔡 桢 草虫扇面 63
林 青 山水图 63
郑 镕 人物四屏 64
邱逢甲 行书对联 65
蚁 良 山水人物四屏 66,67
蔡彦士 荷花图 68
饶 勋 菊花图 68
詹培勋 花鸟图 69
陈墨夫 花鸟图 70
杨 柳 行书对联 71
吴雨三 行书对联 72
俞宗侃 行书轴 73
程洛源 行书轴 74
翥 云 行书轴 75
许元凤 清溪浅水行舟图 76
周之柏 行书立轴 77
张铁生 花果图 78
蒋廷章 花鸟图 78
吴 昆 鱼乐图四屏 79
曾文河 楷书四屏 80,81
卢 松 山水人物二屏 82
林 鹏 花鸟四屏 83
蔡 桐 风尘三侠 84
蔡 植 人物图 84
李朋亭 花鸟图 85
陈 刚 花鸟图 85
周维屏 行楷横幅 86,87
石辉山 楷书四屏 88,89
石辉山 石竹图四屏 90,91
鄞小楼 草虫图 92
林 涛 鹌鹑图 93
严墨翰 山水人物图 94
严墨翰 双疏书法、山水扇面 95
张谐笙 双挖草蟹图四屏 95
郭餐雪 山水人物图 96
李 镛 山水人物图 97
陈昌龄 花鸟四屏 98,99
陈昌龄 金文立轴 100
陈昌龄、黄利吾、陈镇庭 三人合作瓜果图 100
陈昌龄、黄利吾、吴虎峰、张韶石 四人合作花卉图 101
唐延琮 隶书对联 102
唐延琮 紫藤蝴蝶 103
黄飞鹏 花鸟四屏 104,105
郭 烓 行书立轴 106
章兰亭 竹子图 106
林毅成 博古图 107
林 煜 桃源问津 107
范家驹 行楷横幅 108,109
黄 瑜 山水人物图 110,111
李华禹 八仙图四屏 112,113
詹松圃 竹子图 114
许安然 楷书龙凤对联 115
许安然 山水人物四屏 116,117
詹哲明 楷书册页 118
蔡见六 花鸟图 119
胡 翰 花鸟草虫 119
王佐时 观音佛像 120
庄淑舆 三圣图 121
吴 翰 梅兰菊竹四屏 122
戴贞素 行书立轴 123
饶初 花卉图 124
佃介眉 梅竹图 125
杨 栻 行书立轴 126
杨 栻 荷花香里画如年 126
符 铸 花卉图 127
黄史庭 人物图 128
王 逊 人物图 129
陈小豪 行书立轴 129
陈天啸 行书四屏 130,131
陈天啸 螃蟹图 132
方若琪 飘香万里 133
李芳柏 书法四屏 134,135
孙裴谷 芦雁图 136
王鼎新 行书立轴 136
郑子弼 楷书对联 137
孙星阁 兰石图 138
杨 棫 花卉图 139
何 侠 行书立轴 139
庄寿彭 隶书立轴 140
刘仰文 草书立轴 140
黄 镛 英雄三侠 141
吴永清 山水人物四屏 142,143
洪 泽 风尘三侠 144
陈乙星 枇杷图 145
陈芝山 松竹梅图四屏 146,147
彭 嵩 皆大欢喜 楷书对联 148
沈筑初 天官赐福 149
谢月溪 山水人物四屏 150,151
邱 涛 山水人物图 152
刘子昆 鱼乐图 152
吴 纯 鱼乐图 153
杨鸿声 十二甲子图 153
李卓藩 松梅图 154
吴宗汉 刘海戏蟾蜍扇面 155
吴伯潜 农夫戏水牛扇面 155
郑硕弇 莲花图、行书对联 156
蔡修其 花鸟图 157
郑雪耘 行书立轴 157
蔡润心 山水人物四屏 158,159
林受益 花果四屏 160,161
陈修龄 花鸟图 162
邱 沺 鹧鸪图 163
高德纯 行书立轴 164
王显诏 行书立轴 164
王显诏 芭蕉喜鹊 165
黄方松 行书四屏 166,167
詹安泰 行书立轴 168
郭瑞珊 菊花图 168
许奇高 花鸟图 169
陈德懋 嘉禾图 169
杨宗震 花鸟四屏 170,171
郭笃士 山水图 行书对联 172
蔡敬翔 花鸟图 173
柯晓山 山水人物四屏 174
范昌乾 竹石图扇面 175
刘昌潮 竹子图 176
李学鑫 隶书对联 177
释智诚 楷书悟字 178
陈文希 芦雁图 179
李开麟 花鸟四屏 180,181
林 允 花蝶团扇 182
宋省予 花鸟图 183
郭少庭 行书立轴 184
林 逸 蟹虾图 184
梁果斋 魏隶对联 185
陈大羽 篆书立轴 186
陈大羽 大地皆春 187
谢晋嘉 梅花图 188
郑辅萱 神仙鱼 189
吴凤生 富贵长寿图 190
谢海燕 行书中堂 191
郭石帆 行书四屏 192,193
鄞 鹏 兰石图四屏 194
林 樵 山水人物二屏 195
陈少铭 百鸟朝凤图 196
陈炎初 行书立轴 197
慧 父 隶书立轴 197
林 凤 侧听佳音 198
余 祥 人物图 199
柯光政 隶书立轴 200
陈静轩 明拓本册页题序、跋 201
庄天球 行书四屏 202,203
林景华 花鸟草虫图 204
陈 哲 花鸟图 204
黄家泽 竹子图 205
庄一邨 竹子图 205
沈 毅 螃蟹图 206
唐 逸 寒香图 207
孙文斌 小鸡萝卜图 208
庄 铨 三星图、行书对联 209
卢育宗 草蟹图 210
黄独峰 神仙鱼 211
庄礼文 奔马图 212
蔡光 梅竹图 213
林德钦 艳阳天 213
朱祥辉 隶书横幅 214,215
赖少其 山水图 216
吴维科 花卉图 217
杨思园 洛阳春晓 218
郑奕辉 松菊图 219
吴芳谷 水彩—山水图 220
郑茂熙 油画—龙湫宝塔 221
陈世婴 草书立轴 222
蔡起贤 行书立轴 222
林适民 行书立轴 223
詹砺群 行书立轴 223
蔡光远 花鸟图 224,225
萧士熙 野趣图 226
萧立声 观音佛像 227
庄华岳 水粉—戏曲人物画 228
陈 望 守信 229
释慈惠 篆隶二屏 230
释定持 楷书佛字 231
余白丁 皆大欢喜 232
杨 锴 行书对联 233
余涛生 山水人物四屏 234,235
杨和明 草书对联 236
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