
·《吴冠中全集》 ·人民美术出版社 ·世纪可染---文献集
·傅抱石全集(6卷) ·紫禁城出版社 ·上海中国画院书法篆刻集
·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 综合美术 >> 第十一届全国美术作品展览---港澳台邀请作品集
> 第十一届全国美术作品展览---港澳台邀请作品集
出版社: 人民美术出版社
作者: 编著:中华人民共和国文化部
开本: 965毫米×635毫米 特16 出版时间:2009.09
印次: 2009年9月第1次印刷 所属类别:综合美术
ISBN: 978-7-102-04724-9  
定价: RMB 280.00


Since the Tenth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China’s contemporary fine arts has witnessed another five years of development, taking a more prosperous and delightful situation. Chinese culture has had strong cohesion and inspiration while the artists in the mainland and in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have never intimately unified before as today. They narrate the passion of compatriots, or observe phenomena of the world, or discuss literature and culture, or travel around mountains and rivers, jointly writing the brilliant chapters of China’s contemporary fine arts.
Since HK, Macao and Taiwan exhibition areas were first established in the Ninth National Exhibition of Fine Arts, the national exhibition of fine arts has become an important platform of fine arts exchange among the four places across the strait. With elite gathered and excellent works presented, the national exhibition of fine arts has enjoyed increasing popularity in HK, Macao and Taiwan while the artists have more passion and eagerness to take part in the exhibition, fully reflected in the large amount of exhibited works. These works, upon their rich themes and diversified styles, make prominent their era spirit, regional culture feature and innovative awareness, bringing new vitality to the national exhibition of fine arts and many helpful revelation for the fine arts innovation in the mainland. In the foreseeable future, as shown from exchange to promotion, a grand prosperous situation of China’s contemporary fine arts jointly pushed by artists of the four places across the strait must stand firmly among the stage of world arts.
From the perspective of history of arts, the unique position of HK, Macao and Taiwan fine arts on the stage of China’s fine arts is derived not only from their geographical location, but also from their unique characters and values all the more. Since late Ming Dynasty, HK and Macao have always been the bridgehead and hinge of Chinese and western culture exchange. Western culture moved northward via HK and Macao, and formed a situation of integrating Chinese and western culture features following hundreds of years of ups and downs. As the origin of modern fine arts, HK and Macao fine arts have always led the style of Chinese and western arts integration, showing their strong culture self-willingness and linguistic openness, and their nature of borrowing every advantage of overseas culture yet remaining independent. Meanwhile, HK and Macao fine arts has always highly respected traditional Chinese culture, and regarded it as their cultural trace and source for development. As such, HK and Macao fine arts have changed in an orderly manner in the history with excellent work appearing in generations endlessly. Since 1990s, Taiwan fine arts has formed a super-multi-diversified situation under the impact of contemporary western arts and demonstrated an open “international” trend. Such process strengthened, but not weakened the modern extension of Chinese culture trace, which in turn constituted the deep consciousness and core values of contemporary Taiwan fine arts. Confronted with exhibited works from HK, Macao and Taiwan in this exhibition, we are easy to sense the features above.
There are 210 pieces of work selected (including 91 pieces from HK, 36 from Macao and 33 from Taiwan) in the HK, Macao and Taiwan exhibition areas in the Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts, and 35 pieces of excellent work nominated from them (including 22 pieces from HK, 4 from Macao and 9 from Taiwan). In terms of type of work exhibited, there are 100 pieces of traditional Chinese painting, 95 pieces of oil painting and other type of painting, and 15 pieces of sculpture while traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, lacquer painting, watercolor painting, print, comprehensive material and sculpture are the main types.
The deep impression left by the exhibited works is their strong and invigorating sense of era. In recent years, the economic and cultural exchange between the mainland and HK, Macao and Taiwan has been rather frequent. Confronted with great changes of social life and cultural scenes taken place in these areas, the local artists have profound feeling and rich experience, that as the momentum for innovation, have built their unique value judgment. Grand narration concerned with great changes in the cities and gentle description of daily life, exploration of spiritual state of contemporary persons and concern with historical changes of ecology and environment are all expressed in the exhibited works in a unique manner. As such, the exhibited works reflect the diversified themes and freshly show the social accountability and humanist concern of the artists. More delightfully, artists from the three places have made great leap forward in terms of arts exploration and innovation of forms. In particular, the achievements made in traditional Chinese painting are the most prominent. Artists have worked hard on how to express urban life with inkwash, and how to realize modern visionary transformation while extending traditional culture trace in traditional mountain and river paintings and flower and bird paintings. Following years of experiment and experience accumulation, a painting style of so-called “neo inkwash” has come into being, a delightful result in a stage. Such result is worth borrowing for the development of traditional Chinese painting in the mainland. In addition, in such fields as oil painting, watercolor painting, print, and sculpture, there are many pioneering achievements of application of new materials and exploration of new art languages. It’s worth mentioning that most exhibited works are made by middle-aged and young artists. Contemporary fine arts has become a stage on which middle-aged and young artists in the three places play their full roles, with encouraging and dynamic vitality of youth.
The prosperous situation of fine arts in the four places across the strait today is primarily attributable to the strong national strength of China and its profound cultural traditions. In such a great age, an unprecedented power of creation is bursting out in the field of fine arts in the four places across the strait, which is exactly the expectation of revitalizing Chinese culture. The fine arts in the four places across the strait must make their obligatory contribution for the great revitalization of Chinese culture, for which we are full of expectation.
The organization of the HK, Macao and Taiwan exhibition areas of the national exhibition of fine arts is confronted with many difficulties. The organizing committee has overcome the difficulties with high responsibility and specialization spirit. Under the instruction of China Artists Association and with the great support from Shantou Municipal Government, Shantou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shantou Artists Association and Shantou Culture Bureau, the head and staff of the organizing committee have made investigations and exchanges in HK, Macao and Taiwan, and accomplished the collection of works as schedule. The judge committee composed of artists, commentators and culture institute heads from the four places across the strait has carried out appraisals and selections with arts quality as the objective and fairness principle and responsible spirit. The exhibited works have regional features of the three places, giving attention to unique styles and representation of arts. In such course, Hong Kong Art Development Council and Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region extended much help, ensuring smooth collection and appraisal of works, and the success of this exhibition, accumulating new experience for the organization of exhibition of fine arts to be held between the mainland and HK, Macao in the future.


002/军营开放日图 马文西/香港
003/那时花开 毛 静/香港
004/平·靓·正 邓炽煌/香港
005/故园情之春、夏、秋、冬 丘棣广/香港
006/红房子系列之二 任汝勋/香港
007/春雨 许昭奇/香港
008/伊人 闫 凌、周 玲/香港
009/景 李重重/台湾
010/大三巴牌坊 麦光荣/澳门
011/一代高僧·弘一大师 吴惠宝/香港
012/ 刚柔并济 吴省奇/澳门
013/太鲁忆游 陈鉴人/香港
014/穿越皇后大道西1990·香港 陈方远/香港
015/外婆 陈子雄/香港
016/空间里的软性符号 陈焕祯/台湾
017/无奈 陈国展/台湾
018/渔夫洗网 陈庆惠/台湾
019/诗与象 陈显栋/(特邀·台湾)
020/中国音乐 张国伟/澳门
021/ 秋之诗 张若瑟/香港
022/翠谷清泉 何才安/香港
023/安平古堡之古墙 肖进发/台湾
024/故园 林文侨/香港
025/冲破界限 林伟彤/澳门
026/同根 杨 鹏/香港
027/丽日 周惠康、任汝勋/香港
028/马照跑 周荣昌/香港
029/净界No.1 卓晓光/香港
030/石楼下的夜行者 洪东标/台湾
031/太鲁阁 庄汉生、袁学军/台湾
032/阿台伯 高其伟/台湾
033/水墨山水写生系列 黄绎彰/香港
034/味外·遗风之天放 梁翰泉/香港
035/和谐图 萧晖荣/香港
036/夏日香江 钟 钰/香港

038/晨晖 马 铨/香港
039/斗笠过小桥 王永声/香港
040/梦幻状态的记忆 王 越/香港
041/和谐 王碧影/香港
042/夜香港 王秋童/香港
043/旺角之晨 韦劲敏/香港
044/南国春回 司徒乃钟/香港
045/绿肥水瘦 邝锡恩/香港
046/流浮山蠔田 冯汉荣/香港
047/等待 冯培芬/香港
048/抹窗 孙 /香港
049/心网 关天颖/香港
050/故乡情 江立峰/香港
3.秦隶椅4.晋草椅 刘小康/香港
052/旧貌 刘家仪/香港
053/自游行之海归 刘 卉/香港
054/踏雪寻梅 刘若仪/香港
055/浮岚暖翠 伍月柳/香港
056/台湾相思 朱应东/香港
057/溪山行旅图 许礼金/香港
058/舂米 许黎黎/香港
059/香港避风塘斜阳 李漳瑞/香港
060/硕果 李颂翔/香港
061/毛茸茸的汽车 李 华/香港
062/遊子吟 李振辉/香港
063/吸引力 李其国/香港
064/峡江图 李锦贤/香港
065/天择 李巧华/香港
066/铜锣湾避风塘 沈 平/香港
067/红土地 何严武/香港
068/蓝色风景 何少中/香港
069/齐白石与梅兰芳 张民军/香港
070/回归 张醒熊/香港
071/风云梦幻 陈成球/香港
072/好日子 陈毓英/香港
073/浮香圆影瑶池曲 陈良金/香港
074/松柏长青 陈仲福/香港
075/同心协力 陈国定/香港
076/丰盛江山又甲子 陈勉良/香港
077/榕阴谐趣图 吴盛源/香港
078/祥云护客船 吴海斌/香港
079/瓶子·08-27 吴 松/香港
080/萌芽 吴丽梅/香港
081/小平您好 吴茂全/香港
082/穆 吴军陶/香港
083/古镇、老街、界碑——见证中英街 陆国源/香港
084/女红 杨志荣/香港
085/普天同庆 杨庆龙/香港
086/无名 邓亦农/香港
087/村郊水暖 林允一/香港
088/踏歌行 林明琛/香港
089/无惧风浪 林勇逊/香港
090/母亲 林超展/香港
091/和谐香港 林明德、林尤汉/香港
092/岁月 林鸣岗/香港
093/灵鹤戏雪 林伯墀/香港
094/远城·故土 林 武/香港
095/乐山乐水 林湖奎/香港
096/午后 周 晋/香港
097/菡萏香生墨雨中 周 恒/香港
098/夏夜荷塘 胡宇基/香港
099/柳岸荷塘淡淡风 胡永凯/香港
100/榕树 侯怀佳/香港
101/大地·母亲——访俄罗斯印象系列之一 侯绍政/香港
102/云动青山幻 郭健生/香港
103/壮丽河山 徐嘉炀/香港
104/巾帼女兵 徐天润/香港
105/千山皆秀发 莫志玲/香港
106/石澳浪花 萧 滋/香港
107/你还在吗? 梁韵贤/香港
108/远眺船湾淡水湖 黄锡萍/香港
109/马赛克 黄泽雄/香港
110/奥运圣火登上珠穆朗玛峰 黄 谷/香港
111/横州石壁 黄孝逵/香港
112/屏风23号 梁爱嫦/香港
113/雨林晨曲 梁翰麟/香港
114/对歌 韩秉华/香港
115/古榕红耳鹎 董庆义/香港
116/春从笔底来 彭蕙清/香港
117/相濡以沫 谢嘉琪/香港
118/绿叶 谢 政/香港
119/闲鹭 缪咏裳/香港
120/绝色动心旌 蔡健如/香港
121/期待 蔡逸才/香港
122/四季如歌 蔡布谷/香港
123/美丽的紫荆花 蔡豪杰/香港
124/左右 管伟邦/香港
125/香港大浪湾之二 熊 海/香港
126/秋原健翅 黎 明/香港
127/寻找美丽的女孩 潘跃辉/香港
128/回西安 戴成熙/香港

130/春山图 王健尔/澳门
131/岁月光辉的印记 冯宝珠/澳门
132/压力 关景良/澳门
133/远目群岚万千里 关权昌/澳门
134/澳门回归十周年 刘月薇/澳门
135/重生 刘富业/澳门
136/江山石壁图 孙蒋涛/澳门
137/和谐 伍沃江/澳门
138/融合 吴荣辉/澳门
139/菊丛 邬锡华/澳门
140/国泰民安 邵燕樑/澳门
141/静空 初歌今/澳门
142/踏在水面上的女子 李惠华/澳门
143/镜海怀古 李德胜/澳门
144/窗台 李英维/澳门
145/荷韵 杨永光/澳门
146/同一个梦想 林健恩/澳门
147/戏墨 林冬梅/澳门
148/我的车 陆安琪/澳门
149/澳门风景组画 赵绍之/澳门
150/地震回忆 郑展鹏/澳门
151/峡江行 袁 铭/澳门
152/村屋 袁之钦/澳门
153/吹笛 唐 重/澳门
154/回归10年 梁绮仪/澳门
155/曙光 梁凤恒/澳门
156/高维空间 梁蓝波/澳门
157/万壑千峰图 谢 舸/澳门
158/新生代 温燕芬/澳门
159/云南少数民族 廖文畅/澳门
160/画家肖像 缪熊飞/澳门
161/山魂 谭可文/澳门
162/TQH的一家 谭巧华/澳门
163/山川毓秀 谭植桓/澳门
164/人生方程式(一)(二) 黎健瑶/澳门
165/蕙馨沁远 潘锦成/澳门

168/太鲁阁峡谷忆游 白宗仁/台湾
169/一直在隐隐骚动的山水 李元庆/台湾
170/台湾山海情 李沃源/台湾
171/大岳深秋 刘文隆/台湾
172/游山图 刘敏华、黄智程/台湾
173/览夏(鸟语花香) 刘蓉莺/台湾
174/城市组曲 汪世基/台湾
175/落 陈建发/台湾
176/碧水映秋山 张良恩/台湾
177/秋收 张明祺/台湾
178/太行行吟 张进勇/台湾
179/翩翩起舞 张克齐/台湾
180/栖猿 宋瑞和/台湾
181/山形线 吴丁贤/台湾
182/起飞 杨永在/台湾
183/玄武帝盘 林洸沂/台湾
184/梦想的序曲 林莉芸/台湾
185/况逢一林华新 卓兆午/台湾
186/山西双林寺千手观音 洪瑞霞/台湾
187/蕉叶下 徐梦嘉/台湾
188/蛙族 袁金塔/台湾
189/初次邂逅小王子 高永沧/台湾
190/古老的记忆 康耀南/台湾
191/别有洞天 黄舶轩/台湾
192/东方抒情 黄进龙/台湾
193/树在水中生 黄湘/台湾
194/荷塘初雪 黄磊生/台湾
195/鸿图大展 黄焉蓉/台湾
196/衍生 谢栋樑/台湾
197/晨曦初透树石争晖 舒光巽/台湾
198/星夜 焦士太/台湾
199/落发 曾玉珊/台湾
200/喜春 蓝荣贤/台湾
201/慈济道亲 潘素英/台湾

204/天地情之六 王无邪/香港
205/破格迎风 文 楼/香港
206/小店 冉茂芹/台湾
207/封猴 李奇茂/台湾 208/小鱼儿 李志岳/澳门
209/博爱 朱达诚/(评委·香港)
210/寒冰可燃 周天黎/香港
211/黄河洪波振远隅 欧豪年/台湾
212/小天下 靳埭强/香港
213/静卧 廖井梅/香港
214/中国的牛 廖小珍/香港
215/三貂角海湾 廖俊穆/台湾
216/瓶花 缪鹏飞/(评委·澳门)
217/双映红 黎 鹰/澳门
Excellent Works
002 / Open Day for Military Camp
Ma Wenxi / Hong Kong
003 / Blooming Time
Mao Jing / Hong Kong
004 / Shoppers
Deng Chihuang / Hong Kong
005 / Hometown: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Qiu Diguang / Hong Kong
006 / SERIES FOR Red House NO.2
Ren Ruxun / Hong Kong
007 / RAIN OF Spring
Xu Zhaoqi / Hong Kong
008 / Beauty
Yan Ling, Zhou Ling / Hong Kong
009 / Landscape
Li Chongchong / Taiwan
010 / Ruins of St. Paul's
Mai Guangrong / Macao
011 / Eminent Monk-Master Hong Yi
Wu Huibao / Hong Kong
012 / Combination of Rigidity and Flexibility
Wu Xingqi / Macao
013 / Memory FOR Tour to Tailu Mountain
Chen Jianren / Hong Kong
014 / Crossing Queen's Road West 1990, Hong Kong
Chen Fangyuan / Hong Kong
015 / Grandmother
Chen Zixiong / Hong Kong
016 / Soft Symbol in Space
Chen Huanzhen / Taiwan
017 / Helplessness
Chen Guozhan / Taiwan
018 / Fishers Washing Fishnets
Chen Qinghui / Taiwan
019 / Poem and Image
Chen Xiandong / (Specially Invited·Taiwan)
020 / Chinese Music
Zhang Guowei / Macao
021 / Poem of Autumn
Zhang Ruose / Hong Kong
022 / LIMPID Spring in Green Valley
He Cai’an / Hong Kong
023 / Ancient Walls of Anping Castle
Xiao Jinfa / Taiwan
024 / Old House in Hometown
Lin Wenqiao / Hong Kong
025 / breaking throngh boundary
Lin Weitong / Macao
026 / Same Root
Yang Peng / Hong Kong
027 / FINE DAY
Zhou Huikang, Ren Ruxun / Hong Kong
028 / Horse Race
Zhou Rongchang / Hong Kong
029 / clear area (No.1)
Zhuo Xiaoguang / Hong Kong
Hong Dongbiao / Taiwan
031 / Taroko Gorge
Zhuang Hansheng, Yuan Xuejun / Taiwan
032 / Uncle A'tai
Gao Qiwei / Taiwan
033 / series for sketch of ink landscape
Huang Yizhang / Hong Kong
Liang Hanquan / Hong Kong
035 / Harmony
Xiao Huirong / Hong Kong
036 / Hong Kong in Summer
Zhong Yu / Hong Kong
Selected Works from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Ma Quan / Hong Kong
039 / bamboo hat passing small bridge
Wang Yongsheng / Hong Kong
040 / Memory in DreamING STATUS
Wang Yue / Hong Kong
041 / Harmony
Wang Biying / Hong Kong
042 / Hong Kong at Night
Wang Qiutong / Hong Kong
043 / Mong Kok IN Morning
Wei Jinmin / Hong Kong
044 / Return of Spring in South
Situ Naizhong / Hong Kong
045 / Green Water
Kuang Xi’en / Hong Kong
046 / oyster field in liufu mountain
Feng Hanrong / Hong Kong
047 / Waiting
Feng Peifen / Hong Kong
048 / wiping Windows
Sun Ni / Hong Kong
049 / Network in Mind
Guan Tianying / Hong Kong
050 / Love on Hometown
Jiang Lifeng / Hong Kong
051 / Chair of Calligraphy
1. Chair of slender script in song dynasty
2. Chair of regular script in tang dynasty
3. Chair of official script in qin dynasty
4. Chair of cursive script in jin dynasty
Liu Xiaokang / Hong Kong
052 / Old look
Liu Jiayi / Hong Kong
053 / Free Travel: Back to HOMELAND
Liu Hui / Hong Kong
054 / Plum Blossoms in Snow
Liu Ruoyi / Hong Kong
055 / Flowing Clouds and Green Mountains
Wu Yueliu / Hong Kong
056 / Lovesickness to Taiwan
Zhu Yingdong / Hong Kong
057 / travel in xishan mountain
Xu Lijin / Hong Kong
058 / Pestling Rice
Xu Lili / Hong Kong
059 / Sunset of Typhoon Shelter in Hong Kong
Li Zhangrui / Hong Kong
060 / Fruit and Birds
Li Songxiang / Hong Kong
Li Hua / Hong Kong
062 / man far away from home
Li Zhenhui / Hong Kong
063 / Attraction
Li Qiguo / Hong Kong
064 / river between gorges
Li Jinxian / Hong Kong
065 / Natural Selection
Li Qiaohua / Hong Kong
066 / Typhoon Shelter in Causeway Bay
Shen Ping / Hong Kong
067 / Red Earth
He Yanwu / Hong Kong
068 / Blue Landscape
He Shaozhong / Hong Kong
069 / Qi Baishi and Mei Lanfang
Zhang Minjun / Hong Kong
070 / Reunification
Zhang Xingxiong / Hong Kong
071 / Winds and Clouds
Chen Chengqiu / Hong Kong
072 / Good Days
Chen Yuying / Hong Kong
073 / Beauty in Lotus Pond
Chen Liangjin / Hong Kong
074 / Evergreen Pines
Chen Zhongfu / Hong Kong
075 / Making Concerted Efforts
Chen Guoding / Hong Kong
076 / Great Mountains after Sixty Years
Chen Mianliang / Hong Kong
077 / Delight in Shadow of FICUS
Wu Shengyuan / Hong Kong
078 / clouds protecting passenger ship
Wu Haibin / Hong Kong
079 / Bottles 08-27
Wu Song / Hong Kong
080 / Budding
Wu Limei / Hong Kong
081 / Hello, Xiaoping
Wu Maoquan / Hong Kong
082 / Solemnity
Wu Juntao / Hong Kong
083 / Ancient Town, Old Street, Boundary
Tablet—Witness OF Chung Ying Street
Lu Guoyuan / Hong Kong
084 / needlework
Yang Zhirong / Hong Kong
085 / National Celebration
Yang Qinglong / Hong Kong
086 / NO TITLE
Deng Yinong / Hong Kong
087 / Swimming People in Countryside River
Lin Yunyi / Hong Kong
088 / walking with song
Lin Mingchen / Hong Kong
089 / Fearless to Storm and Tides
Lin Yongxun / Hong Kong
090 / Mother
Lin Chaozhan / Hong Kong
091 / Harmonious Hong Kong
Lin Mingde, Lin Youhan / Hong Kong
092 / Years
Lin Minggang / Hong Kong
093 / Cranes Playing with Snow
Lin Bochi / Hong Kong
094 / Distant Town, Native Land
Lin Wu / Hong Kong
095 / Enjoying Mountains and Water
Lin Hukui / Hong Kong
096 / After Noon
Zhou Jin / Hong Kong
097 / INK Lotus Flowers and Leaves
Zhou Heng / Hong Kong
Hu Yuji / Hong Kong
099 / Willow Bank and Lotus Pond in Breeze
Hu Yongkai / Hong Kong
100 / Ficus
Hou Huaijia / Hong Kong
Hou Shaozheng / Hong Kong
Guo Jiansheng / Hong Kong
103 / Spectacular Landscape
Xu Jiayang / Hong Kong
104 / FEMALE Soldier
Xu Tianrun / Hong Kong
105 / Mountains like Beautiful Hair
Mo Zhiling / Hong Kong
106 / Spoondrift IN SHEK O
Xiao Zi / Hong Kong
107 / Are you STILL there
Liang Yunxian / Hong Kong
108 / Overlooking Plover Cove Reservoir
Huang Xiping / Hong Kong
109 / Mosaic
Huang Zexiong / Hong Kong
110 / Olympic Flame Lighting at Everest Peak
Huang Gu / Hong Kong
Huang Xiaokui / Hong Kong
112 / Folding Screen (No.23)
Liang Aichang / Hong Kong
Liang Hanlin / Hong Kong
114 / Antiphonal Singing
Han Binghua / Hong Kong
Dong Qingyi / Hong Kong
116 / Spring FROM BRUSH
Peng Huiqing / Hong Kong
117 / Living Abreast
Xie Jiaqi / Hong Kong
118 / Green Leaves
Xie Zheng / Hong Kong
119 / Aigrets in Leisure
Miu Yongshang / Hong Kong
120 / Charming Flowers
Cai Jianru / Hong Kong
121 / Expectation
Cai Yicai / Hong Kong
Cai Bugu / Hong Kong
123 / Beautiful Bauhinia
Cai Haojie / Hong Kong
124 / Right and Left
Guan Weibang / Hong Kong
125 / big wave bay in hong kong (no.2)
Xiong Hai / Hong Kong
126 / Eagles
Li Ming / Hong Kong
127 / Looking for Beautiful Girl
Pan Yuehui / Hong Kong
128 / Back to Xi'an
Dai Chengxi / Hong Kong
Selected Works from Macao Special Administrative Region
130 / Mountain IN SPRING
Wang Jian’er / Macao
131 / effulgent mark of years
Feng Baozhu / Macao
132 / Pressure
Guan Jingliang / Macao
133 / Overlooking Mountains Thousand Miles Away
Guan Quanchang / Macao
134 / Reunification of Macao to China for ten years
Liu Yuewei / Macao
135 / rebirth
Liu Fuye / Macao
136 / Rock Wall
Sun Jiangtao / Macao
137 / Harmony
Wu Wojiang / Macao
138 / Integration
Wu Ronghui / Macao
139 / Clusters of Chrysanthemum
Wu Xihua / Macao
140 / Prosperous Country with People living in Safety
Shao Yanliang / Macao
141 / quiet Sky
Chu Gejin / Macao
142 / Girls Treading on Water
Li Huihua / Macao
143 / Recalling Antiquity on Mirror Sea
Li Desheng / Macao
144 / Windowsill
Li Yingwei / Macao
145 / charm of lotus
Yang Yongguang / Macao
146 / SAME Dream
Lin Jian’en / Macao
147 / Ink painting
Lin Dongmei / Macao
148 / My VEHICLE
Lu Anqi / Macao
149 / Group Paintings for Landscape in macao
Zhao Shaozhi / Macao
150 / Memory FOR Earthquake
Zheng Zhanpeng / Macao
151 / sailing in riveR between gorges
Yuan Ming / Macao
152 / Village Houses
Yuan Zhiqin / Macao
153 / Fluter
Tang Zhong / Macao
154 / reunification for 10 years
Liang Qiyi / Macao
155 / twilight in dawn
Liang Fengheng / Macao
156 / High Dimension Space
Liang Lanbo / Macao
157 / Mountains and Peaks
Xie Ge / Macao
158 / New Generation
Wen Yanfen / Macao
159 / Yunnan Minority
Liao Wenchang / Macao
160 / Portrait of Painter
Miu Xiongfei / Macao
161 / Soul of Mountains
Tan Kewen / Macao
162 / tqh's family
Tan Qiaohua / Macao
163 / Spectacular Landscape
Tan Zhihuan / Macao
164 / equation of life (no.1 and 2)
Li Jianyao / Macao
165 / Girl in Fragrance
Pan Jincheng / Macao
Selected Works from Taiwan District
Bai Zongren / Taiwan
169 / Flowing Landscape
Li Yuanqing / Taiwan
Li Woyuan / Taiwan
171 / Mountains in Late Autumn
Liu Wenlong / Taiwan
Liu Minhua, Huang Zhicheng / Taiwan
173 / Summer (Singing Birds and Fragrant Flowers)
Liu Rongying / Taiwan
174 / City
Wang Shiji / Taiwan
175 / Falling
Chen Jianfa / Taiwan
176 / Green Water Mirroring Mountains in autumn
Zhang Liang’en / Taiwan
Zhang Mingqi / Taiwan
178 / Taihang Mountain
Zhang Jinyong / Taiwan
179 / Dancing Cranes
Zhang Keqi / Taiwan
180 / Resting apes
Song Ruihe / Taiwan
181 / outline of mountain
Wu Dingxian / Taiwan
182 / Takeoff
Yang Yongzai / Taiwan
183 / Plate of Emperor Xuanwu
Lin Guangyi / Taiwan
184 / Prelude to Dream
Lin Liyun / Taiwan
185 / Blossom on Trees
Zhuo Zhaowu / Taiwan
186 / Avalokitevara in Shuanglin Temple OF SHANXI
Hong Ruixia / Taiwan
187 / Under Banana Leaves
Xu Mengjia / Taiwan
188 / Group of Frogs
Yuan Jinta / Taiwan
189 / First Meeting with Little Prince
Gao Yongcang / Taiwan
190 / Old Memory
Kang Yaonan / Taiwan
191 / Amazing Caves
Huang Boxuan / Taiwan
192 / Oriental Lyric
Huang Jinlong / Taiwan
193 / Trees growing in Water
Huang Xiangling / Taiwan
194 / First Snow over Lotus Pond
Huang Leisheng / Taiwan
195 / Symbols of Success
Huang Yanrong / Taiwan
196 / Derivation
Xie Dongliang / Taiwan
197 / Trees and Rocks Shining in Dawning
Shu Guangxun / Taiwan
198 / Starry Night
Jiao Shitai / Taiwan
199 / Falling Hair
Zeng Yushan / Taiwan
200 / Happy Spring
Lan Rongxian / Taiwan
201 / Harmonious Family
Pan Suying / Taiwan
Specially Invited Works
204 / world (no.6)
Wang Wuxie / Hong Kong
205 / breaking rule and heading on wind
Wen Lou / Hong Kong
206 / Small Shop
Ran Maoqin / Taiwan
207 / Climbing Monkeys
Li Qimao / Taiwan
208 / Little Boy and Small Fish
Li Zhiyue / Macao
209 / Fraternity
Zhu Dacheng / (Judge·Hong Kong)
210 / Spring is Coming
Zhou Tianli / Hong Kong
211 / great sound from strong waves of yellow river
Ou Haonian / Taiwan
212 / Small World
Jin Daiqiang / Hong Kong
213 / Lying Quietly
Liao Jingmei / Hong Kong
214 / Chinese Cattle
Liao Xiaozhen / Hong Kong
215 / Bay of Sandiao Cape
Liao Junmu / Taiwan
216 / Flowers in Vase
Miao Pengfei / (Judge·Macao)
217 / Girl in Flowers
Li Ying / Macao


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