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   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 摄影摄像 >> 中国黄河
> 中国黄河
出版社: --
作者:殷鹤仙  编著:吕洪予
开本: 889mm×1194mm1/12 出版时间:
印次: 2009年9月第1次印刷 所属类别:摄影摄像
ISBN: 978-7-80734-620-3  
定价: RMB 368.00


  作者上大学时学习自然地理和地貌学, 后来在黄河博物馆工作多年。 他熟悉黄河, 热爱黄河, 几十年的工作中, 拍摄了大量有关黄河的照片。《中国黄河》展示了黄河的地理地貌和治理景观, 反映了黄河的博大和壮美, 既内涵丰富又具视觉冲击力。借助这本画册, 我们可以足不出户去领略黄河源头的清澈、上游峡谷的婉转、黄土高原的苍茫、中下游的雄浑以及黄河入海口的浩荡。正是这滚滚东流的黄河孕育了中华民族, 几千年来, 黄河儿女与母亲河相互依存, 和谐共生。今天, 黄河职工正以维持黄河健康生命为己任, 以科学的态度继承和发展黄河治理开发与管理的大业, 为使黄河充满生机、奔腾不息而奋斗!
古往今来, 记述黄河的典籍、专著十分丰富, 这是黄河文化的重要组成部分。今天黄河治理开发与管理的探索和实践, 提供了更为广阔的创作空间, 希望能有更多反映黄河的新作出现。
The author majored in Physical Geography and Geomorphology in his university. Then he worked in the Yellow River Museum for many years. He is very familiar with the Yellow River and has so much affection on it. He has taken a great deal of pictures of the Yellow River during the several decades of work. China Yellow River demonstrates the geographical topography and landscape of the Yellow River, reflecting the splendor and magnificence of the Yellow River. It is both rich in the connotation and the visual impact. Through this photo album, we can stay at home enjoying the clear source of the Yellow River, the mild canyon of the upper reaches, the vastness of the Loess Plateau, the powerfulness of the middle and lower reaches and the mightiness of the Yellow River estuary. It is this east-rolling Yellow River that gave birth to the Chinese Nation. For thousands of years, the Chinese people and this mother river are living interdependently and harmoniously in coexistence. Today, those people working for the Yellow River are taking their responsibility of maintaining the healthy life of the river, inheriting and developing the great cause of the development and management in a scientific attitude and struggling for the full vitality and the endless torrent of the Yellow River.
Since the ancient times, the large number of descriptive books and monographs has been playing an important role in the Yellow River Culture. Today, the exploration and practice of the development and management of the Yellow River offers a broader room for cultural creation. We hope that there will be more new books about the Yellow River.
So comes this preface.
Li Guoying
June 16th, 2009




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