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   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 摄影摄像 >> 青藏高原珍稀野生动物
> 青藏高原珍稀野生动物
出版社: 四川出版集团
作者: 编著:
开本: 出版时间:
印次: 2010年1月第1次印刷 所属类别:摄影摄像
ISBN: 978-7-5409-3905-2  
定价: RMB 1280.00





Preface 8

The Spirits of "the Roof of the World" 11
兽类 青藏高原的兽类
Mammals in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
牛科 Bovidae
野牦牛 Bos mutusWild Yak  30
藏羚 Pantholops hodgsoni
Chiru, Tibetan Antelope  38
羚牛 Budorcas taxicolor
Takin  48
藏原羚 Procapra picticaudata
Tibetan Gazelle, Goa  52
赤斑羚 Naemorhedus cranbrooki
Red Goral  56
斑羚 Naemorhedus caudatus
Chinese Goral, Goral  58
鬣羚 Naemorhedus sumatraensis
Serow  60
盘羊 Ovis ammon
Argali  62
矮岩羊 Pseudois schaeferi
Dwarf Bharal, Sichuan Blue Sheep  63
岩羊 Pseudois nayaur
Bharal, Blue Sheep  64

马科 Equidae
藏野驴 Equus kiang
Kiang, Tibetan Wild Ass  66

鹿科 Cervidae
白唇鹿 Cervus albirostris
Thorold's Deer, White-lipped Deer  70
四川梅花鹿 Cervus nippon szechuanicus
Sika Deer  77
白臀鹿 Cervus elaphus
Red Deer, Wapiti  79
水鹿 Cervus unicolor
Sambar, Sambar Deer  83
毛冠鹿 Elaphodus cephalophus
Tufted Deer  85

麝科 Moschidae
马麝 Moschus chrysogaster
Alpine Musk Deer  87
林麝 Moschus berezovskii
Chinese Forest Musk Deer, Forest Musk Deer  88

大熊猫科 Ailuropodidae
大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Giant Panda  90

小熊猫科 Ailuridae
小熊猫 Ailurus fulgens
Red Panda, Lesser Panda  94

猴科 Cercopithecidae
川金丝猴 Rhinopithecus roxellana
Golden Monkey, Golden Snub-nosed Monkey  95
滇金丝猴 Rhinopithecus bieti
Black Snub-nosed Monkey  100
藏酋猴 Macaca thibetana
Père David’s Macaque, Tibetan Macaque  103
猕猴 Macaca mulatta
Rhesus Macaque  104
长尾叶猴 Semnopithecus schistaceus
Nepal Gray Langur  105

猫科 Felidae
金钱豹 Panthera pardus
Leopard  106
云豹 Neofelis nebulosa
Clouded Leopard  107
雪豹 Uncia uncia
Snow Leopard  108
猞猁 Lynx lynx
Eurasian Lynx  109
漠猫 Felis bieti
Chinese Desert Cat  110
兔狲 Otocolobus manul
Pallas’s Cat, Steppe Cat  111

熊科 Ursidae
黑熊 Selenarctos thibetanus
Asiatic Black Bear  112
棕熊 Ursus arctos
Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear  114

犬科 Canidae
藏沙狐 Vulpes ferrilata
Tibetan Fox  116
狼 Canis lupus
Gray Wolf  117

鼬科 Mustelidae
水獭 Lutra lutra
European Otter, Common Otter  118
香鼬 Mustela altaica
Mountain Weasel  119

松鼠科 Seiuridae
喜马拉雅旱獭 Marmota himalayana
Himalayan Marmot  120
灰头小鼯鼠 Petaurista caniceps
Grey-headed Flying Squirrel  122

鼠兔科 Ochotonidae
藏鼠兔 Ochotona thibetana
Moupin Pika  123
鸟类 青藏高原的鸟类
Birds in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

鹤科 Gruidae (Cranes)
黑颈鹤 Grus nigricollis
Black-necked Crane  126
灰鹤 Grus grus
Common Crane  138

松鸡科 Tetraonidae (Grouse, Ptarmigans)
斑尾榛鸡 Bonasa sewerzowi
Chinese Grouse, Chinese Hazel Grouse  140

雉科 Phasianidae
(Partridges, Pheasants, Peafowls)
高原山鹑 Perdix hodgsoniae
Tibetan Partridge  141
藏雪鸡 Tetraogallus tibetanus
Tibetan Snowcock  142
四川雉鹑 Tetraophasis szechenyii
Buff-throated Partridge  144
雉鹑 Tetraophasis obscurus
Pheasant Grouse  145
血雉 Ithaginis cruentus
Blood Pheasant  146
红腹角雉 Tragopan temminckii
Temminck’s Tragopan, Crimson-bellied Tragopan  148
绿尾虹雉 Lophophorus lhuysii
Chinese Monal, Chinese Monal Pheasant  150
白尾梢虹雉 Lophophorus sclateri
Sclater’s Monal  152
棕尾虹雉 Perdix hodgsoniae
Himalayan Monal  153
白马鸡 Crossoptilon crossoptilon
White Eared Pheasant  154
蓝马鸡 Crossoptilon auritum
Blue Eared Pheasant  157
藏马鸡 Crosssoptilon harmani
Tibetan Eared Pheasant, Harman's Eared Pheasant  158
白腹锦鸡 Chrysolophus amherstiae
Lady Amherst’s Pheasant, Chinese Copper Pheasant  160
红腹锦鸡 Chrysolophus pictus
Golden Pheasant  162
雉鸡 Phasianus colchicus
Ring-necked Pheasant  164

猛禽 Raptors
金雕 Aquila chrysaetos
Golden Eagle  165
草原雕 Aquila nipalensis
Steppe Eagle  167
白尾海雕 Haliaeetus albicilla
White-tailed Sea Eagle  168
黑鸢 Milvus migrans
Black Kite  170
苍鹰 Accipiter gentilis
Northern Goshawk  172
普通 Buteo buteo
Common Buzzard  173
大 Buteo hemilasius
Upland Buzzard  174
秃鹫 Aegypius monachus
Cinereous Vulture  176
高山兀鹫 Gyps himalayensis
Himalayan Griffon  177
胡兀鹫 Gypaetus barbatus
Bearded Vulture  178
红隼 Falco tinnunculus
Common Kestrel  180
雕鸮 Bubo bubo
Northern Eagle Owl  181
灰林鸮 Strix aluco
Tawny Owl  182
纵纹腹小鸮 Athene noctua
Little Owl  183
领鸺鹠 Glaucidium brodiei
Collared Pygmy Owl  184
四川林鸮 Strix davidi
Sichuan Wood Owl  185

科 Podicipedidae (Grebes)
凤头 Podiceps cristatus
Great crested grebe  186
小 Tachybaptus ruficollis
Little Grebe  188

鸬鹚科 Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants)
鸬鹚 Phalacrocorax carbo
Great Cormorant  189

鹭科 Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, Bitterns)
苍鹭 Ardea cinerea
Grey Heron  190
白鹭 Egretta garzetta
Little Egret  192
白琵鹭 Platalea leucorodia
White Spoonbill  193

鹳科 Ciconiidae (Storks)
黑鹳 Ciconia nigra
Black Stork  194

鸭科 Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, Swans)
斑头雁 Anser indicus
Bar-headed Goose  196
灰雁 Anser anser
Graylag Goose  198
疣鼻天鹅 Cygnus olor
Mute Swan  199
大天鹅 Cygnus cygnus
Whooper Swan  200
小天鹅 Cygnus columbianus
Tundra Swan, Whistling Swan  202
针尾鸭 Anas acuta
Northern Pintail, Pintail  204
斑嘴鸭 Anas poecilorhyncha
Spot-billed Duck  205
赤麻鸭 Tadorna ferruginea
Ruddy Shelduck  206
绿翅鸭 Anas crecca
Green-winged Teal, Common Teal  208
罗纹鸭 Anas falcate
Falcated Duck, Falcated Teal  209
白眉鸭 Anas querquedula
Garganey  210
翘鼻麻鸭 Tadorna tadorna
Common Shelduck  211
绿头鸭 Anas platyrhynchos
Mallard  212
赤颈鸭 Anas penelope
Eurasian Wigeon, Wigeon  214
红头潜鸭 Aythya ferina
Common Pochard  215
凤头潜鸭 Aythya fuligula
Tufted Duck  216
普通秋沙鸭 Mergus merganser
Common Merganser, Goosander  217
中华秋沙鸭 Mergus squamatus
Chinese Merganser  218

鸥科 Laridae (Gullls)
棕头鸥 Larus brunnicephalus
Brown-headed Gull  220

鸻科 Charadriidae (Plovers, Lapwings)
长嘴剑 Charadrius placidus
Long-billed Ringed Plover  222

鹬科 Scolopacidae
(Snipes, Woodcocks, Sandpipers)
矶鹬 Actitis hypoleucos
Common Sandpiper  223
林鹬 Tringa glareola
Wood Sandpiper  224

鹮嘴鹬科 Ibidorhynchidae (Ibisbill)
鹮嘴鹬 Ibidorhyncha struthersii
Ibisbill  225

反嘴鹬科 Recurvirostridae (Avocets, Stilts)
黑翅长脚鹬 Himantopus himantopus
Black-winged Stilt  226

河乌科 Cinclidae (Dippers)
河乌 Cinclus cinclus
White-throated Dipper, Dipper  227

翠鸟科 Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
蓝翡翠 Halcyon pileata
Black-capped Kingfisher  228
普通翠鸟 Alcedo atthis
Common Kingfisher  229

啄木鸟科 Picidae (Woodpeckers)
灰头绿啄木鸟 Picus canus
Grey-headed Woodpecker  230

鸠鸽科 Columbidae (Doves, Pigeons)
楔尾绿鸠 Treron sphenura
Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon  231
火斑鸠 Streptopelia tranquebarica
Red Turtle Dove  232
原鸽 Columba livia
Rock Dove, Wild Pigeon  233

燕科 Hirundinidae (Swallows, Martine)
烟腹毛脚燕 Delichon dasypus
Asian House Martin  234

旋壁雀科 Tichidromidae (Wallcreepers)
红翅旋壁雀 Tichodroma muraria
Wallcreeper, Red-winded Wallcreeper  235

旋木雀科 Certhiidae (Treecreepers)
高山旋木雀 Certhia himalayana
Bar-tailed Treecreeper, Himalayan Treecreeper  236

鹎科 Pycnonotidae (Bulbuls)
黄臀鹎 Pycnonotus xanthorrhous
Brown-breasted Bulbul  237
领雀嘴鹎 Spizixos semitorques
Collared Finchbill  238

梅花雀科 Estrildidae (Waxbills and Allies)
白腰文鸟 Lonchura striata
White-rumped Munia  239

杜鹃科 Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
大杜鹃 Cuculus canorus
Common Cuckoo, Cuckoo  240

花密鸟科 Nectariniidae
(Sunbirds, Spiderhunters)
蓝喉太阳鸟 Aethopyga gouldiae
Gould’s Sunbird  241

长尾山雀科 Aegithalidae (Long-tailed Tits)
银脸长尾山雀 Aegithalos fuliginosus
Sooty Long-tailed Tit, Silver-faced Tit  242

山雀科 Paridae (tits)
大山雀 Parus major
Great Tit  243
黄眉林雀 Sylviparus modestus
Yellow-browed Tit  244

雀科 Passeridae (Old World Sparrows)
家麻雀 Passer domesticus
House Sparrow  245
山麻雀 Passer rutilans
Russet Sparrow  246
石雀 Petronia petronia
Rock Petronia, Rock Sparrow  247
白腰雪雀 Onychostruthus taczanowskii
White-rumped Snowfinch  248
棕颈雪雀 Pyrgilauda ruficollis
Rufous-necked Snowfinch  249
褐翅雪雀 Montifringilla adamsi
Black-winged Snowfinch  250

百灵科 Alaudidae (Larks)
云雀 Alauda arvensis
Eurasian Skylark, Skylark  251
长嘴百灵 Melanocorypha maxima
Long-billed Calandra Lark  252
角百灵 Eremophila alpestris
Horned Lark  253

伯劳科 Laniidae (Shrikes)
虎纹伯劳 Lanius tigrinus
Tiger Shrike  254

画眉科 Timaliidae (Babblers)
矛纹草鹛 Babax lanceolatus
Chinese Babax  255
棕草鹛 Babax koslowi
Koslow’s Babax  256
灰胸鹛 Liocichla omeiensis
Grey-faced Liocichla, Omeishan Liocichla  258
褐头雀鹛 Alcippe cinereiceps
Streak-throated Fulvetta  259
金胸雀鹛 Alcippe chrysotis
Golden-breasted Fulvetta  260
高山雀鹛 Alcippe striaticollis
Chinese Mountain Fulvetta  261
宝兴鹛雀 Moupinia poecilotis
Rufous-tailed Babbler  262
白喉噪鹛 Garrulax albogularis
White-throated Laughingthrush  263
白颊噪鹛 Garrulax sannio
White-browed Laughingthrush  264
灰腹噪鹛 Garrulax henrici
Henry’s Laughingthrush  265
橙翅噪鹛 Garrulax ellioti
Elliot’s Laughingthrush  266
斑背噪鹛 Garrulax lunulatus
Bar-backed Laughingthrush  267
大噪鹛 Garrulax maximus
Giant Laughingthrush  268
黑顶噪鹛 Garrulax affinis
Black-faced Laughingthrush  270
火尾绿鹛 Myzornis pyrrhoura
Fire-tailed Mysornis  271
火尾希鹛 Minla ignotincta
Fire-tailed Minla  272
红嘴相思鸟 Leiothrix lutea
Red-billed Leiothrix  273
白领凤鹛 Yuhina diademata
White-collared Yuhina  274
棕颈钩嘴鹛 Pomatorhinus ruficollis
Rufous-necked Scimitar Babbler  275

燕雀科 Fringillidae (Siskins, Crossbills)
黄嘴朱顶雀 Carduelis flavirostris
Twite  276
金翅雀 Carduelis sinica
Greenfinch  277
白眉朱雀 Carpodacus thura
White-browed Rosefinch  278
斑翅朱雀 Carpodacus trifasciatus
Three-banded Rosefinch  279
红眉朱雀 Carpodacus pulcherrimus
Beautiful Rosefinch  280
红胸朱雀 Carpodacus puniceus
Red-breasted Rosefinch  281
点翅朱雀 Carpodacus rhodopeplus
Spot-winged Rosefinch  282
酒红朱雀 Carpodacus vinaceus
Vinaceous Rosefinch  284
普通朱雀 Carpodacus erythrinus
Common Rosefinch  285
棕朱雀 Carpodacus edwardsii
Ruddy Rosefinch  286
黄颈拟蜡嘴雀 Mycerobas affinis
Collared Grosbeak  287
藏雀 Kozlowia roborowskii
Tibetan Rosefinch  288

鸦雀科 Paradoxornithidae (Parrotbills)
白眶鸦雀 Paradoxornis conspicillatus
Spectacled Parrotbill  289
褐鸦雀 Paradoxornis unicolor
Brown Parrotbill, Himalayan Brown Crowtit  290
黑喉鸦雀 Paradoxornis nipalensis
Black-throated Parrotbill  291
棕头鸦雀 Paradoxornis webbianus
Vinous-throated Parrotbill, Rufous-headed Crowtit  292
三趾鸦雀 Paradoxornis paradoxus
Three-toed Parrotbill  293

鸦科 Corvidae (Crows, Jays)
黄嘴山鸦 Pyrrhocorax graculus
Yellow-billed Chough  294
红嘴山鸦 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Red-billed Chough  295
喜鹊 Pica pica
Common Magpie, Magpie  296
渡鸦 Corvus corax
Common Raven, Raven  297
红嘴蓝鹊 Urocissa erythrorhyncha
Red-billed Blue Magpie  298
褐背拟地鸦 Pseudopodoces humilis
Hume’s Ground Jay  299

岩鹨科 Prunellidae (Accentors)
棕胸岩鹨 Prunella strophiata
Rufous-breasted Accentor  300
领岩鹨 Prunella collaris
Alpine Accentor, Collared Accentor  301
栗背岩鹨 Prunella immaculata
Maroon-backed Accentor  302

鹡鸰科 Motacillidae (Wagtails, Pipits)
粉红胸鹨 Anthus roseatus
Hodgson’s Pipit  303
水鹨 Anthus spinoletta
Water Pipit  304
黄头鹡鸰 Motacilla citreola
Yellow-headed Wagtail  305

鸫科 Turdidae (Thrushes, Chats)
白喉红尾鸲 Phoenicurus schisticeps
White-throated Redstart  306
黑喉红尾鸲 Phoenicurus hodgsoni
Hodgson’s Redstart  307
红尾水鸲 Rhyacornis fuliginosus
Plumbeous Water Redstart  308
红胁蓝尾鸲 Tarsiger cyanurus
Red-flanked Bush Robin  309
金胸歌鸲 Luscinia pectardens
Golden-breasted Rubythroat Robin  310
蓝额红尾鸲 Phoenicurus frontalis
Blue-fronted Redstart  311
赭红尾鸲 Phoenicurus ochruros
Black Redstart  312
灰林■ Saxicola ferrea
Grey Bushchat  313
白颈鸫 Turdus albocinctus
White-collared Blackbird  314
灰头鸫 Turdus rubrocanus
Grey-headed Thrush  315
紫啸鸫 Myophonus caeruleus
Blue Whistling Thrush  316
宝兴歌鸫 Turdus mupinensis
Chinese Thrush  317

莺科 Sylviidae (Old World Warblers)
褐柳莺 Phylloscopus fuscatus
Dusky Warbler  318
花彩雀莺 Leptopoecile sophiae
White-browned Tit Warbler  319
黄腹柳莺 Phylloscopus affinis
Tickell’s Leaf Warbler  320
棕腹柳莺 Phylloscopus subaffinis
Buff-bellied Warbler  321
乌嘴柳莺 Phylloscopus magnirostris
Large-billed Leaf Warbler  322

鹀科 Emberizidae (Buntings)
黄喉鹀 Emberiza elegans
Yellow-throated Bunting  323
蓝鹀Latoucheornis siemsseni
Slaty Bunting  324
小鹀 Emberiza pusilla
Little Bunting  325
灰眉岩鹀 Emberiza godlewskii
Chestnut-lined Rock Bunting  326
藏鹀 Emberiza koslowi
Tibetan Bunting, Koslow's Bunting  327

沙鸡科 Pteroclidae (Sandgrouse)
西藏毛腿沙鸡 Syrrhaptes tibetanus
Tibetan Sandgrouse  328

犀鸟科 Bucerotidae (Hornbills)
棕颈犀鸟 Aceros nipalensis
Rufous-necked Hornbill  329
爬行类 青藏高原的爬行类
Reptiles in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

蝰科 Viperidae
高原蝮 Gloydius strauchi
Kham Plateau Fu, Plateau Fu  332
乡城原矛头蝮 Protobothrops xiangchengensis
Xiangcheng Pit-viper, Kham plateau Pit-viper  333
菜花原矛头蝮 Protobothrops jerdonii
Jerdon’s Pit-viper  334
缅北原矛头蝮 Protobothrops kaulbacki
Kaulback's Pit-viper  335
白头蝰 Azemiops feae
Fea's Viper  336

游蛇科 Colubridae
西藏温泉蛇 Thermophis baileyi
Hot-spring Keel-back  337
四川温泉蛇 Thermophis zhaoermii
Sichuan Hot-spring Keel-back  338
喜山小头蛇 Oligodon albocinctus
Light-barred Kukri Snake, White-striped Kukri Snake 339
喜山钝头蛇 Pareas monticola
Himalayan Slug-eating Snake  340
虎斑颈槽蛇 Rhabdophis tigrinus
Tiger Keelback, Tiger Groove-necked Keelback  341
九龙颈槽蛇 Rhabdophis pentasupralabialis
Sichuan Grooved-necked Keelback  342
红脖颈槽蛇 Rhabdophis subminiatus
Red-necked Keelback  343
缅甸颈槽蛇 Rhabdophis leonardi
Leonard's Grooved-neck Keelback  344
八线腹链蛇 Amphiesma octolineatum
Eight-lined Keelback  345
棕黑腹链蛇 Amphiesma sauteri
Sauter's Keelback  346
锈链腹链蛇 Amphiesma craspedogaster
Brown-chain Keelback  347
横斑锦蛇 Elaphe perlacea
Pearl-banded Rat-snake  348
黑眉锦蛇 Elaphe taeniura
Striped-tailed Rat-snake, Striped Racer  349
紫灰锦蛇 Elaphe porphyracea
Red Mountain Rat-snake  350
黑头剑蛇 Sibynophis chinensis
Black-headed Snake  351
黑线乌梢蛇 Zaocys nigromarginatus
Black-striped Green Keel-backed Snake, Black-striped
Green Keelback  352
滑鼠蛇 Ptyas mucosus
Common Rat-snake, Oriental Rat-snake  353
翠青蛇 Cyclophiops major
Chinese Green Snake, Greater Green Snake  354

鬣蜥科 Agamidae
草绿攀蜥 Japalura flaviceps
Yellow-headed Japalure  355
巴塘攀蜥 Japalura batangensis
Batang Japalure  356
长肢攀蜥 Japalura andersoniana
Anderson's Japalure, Anderson's Mountain Lizard  357
丽纹攀蜥 Japalura splendida
Splendid Japalure  358
汶川攀蜥 Japalura zhaoermii
Wenchuan Mountain Lizard  360
青海沙蜥 Phyrnocephalus vlangalii
Vlangal's Toad-headed Agama, Qinghai Toad-headed Agama  361
红原沙蜥 Phyrnocephalus hongyuanensis
Hongyuan Toad-headed Lizard  362
拉萨岩蜥 Laudakia sacra
Lhasa Rock Agama  363
吴氏岩蜥 Laudakia wui
Wu's Rock Agama  364

蜥蜴科 Lacertidae
密点麻蜥 Eremias multiocellata
Multiocellated Racerunner  365

蛇蜥科 Anguidae
细蛇蜥 Ophisaurus gracilis
Burmese Glass Snake, Asian Glass Lizard  366

石龙子科 Scincidae
大渡石龙子 Eumeces tunganus
Tung River Skink  367
康定滑蜥 Scincella potanini
Potanin’s Dwarf Skink, Kangding Smooth Skink  368

壁虎科 Gekkonidae
西藏裸趾虎 Cyrtodactylus tibetanus
Tibetan Naked-toed Gecko, Tibet Bent-toed Gecko  369
两栖类 青藏高原的两栖类
Amphibians in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

小鲵科 Hynobiidae
无斑山溪鲵 Batrachuperus karlschmidti
Karlschmidt's Mountain Salamander  372
西藏山溪鲵 Batrachuperus tibetanus
Alpine Stream Salamander, Northern Mountain Salamander  379

蝾螈科 Salamandridae
棕黑疣螈 Tylototriton verrucosus
Red Knobby Newt, Himalayan Crocodile Newt  380
大凉疣螈 Tylototriton taliangensis
Taliang Knobby Newt, Daliang Newt  381

树蛙科 Rhacophoridae
斑腿泛树蛙 Polypedates megacephalus
Spot-legged Treefrog, Lateral-cut Legged Treefrog  382

姬蛙科 Microhylidae
多疣狭口蛙 Kaloula verrucosa
Verrucous Digging Frog, Verrucous Narrowmouth Toad  383

蛙科 Ranidae
察隅棘蛙 Paa chayuensis
Chayu Paa Frog, Chayu Spiny Frog  384
墨脱棘蛙 Paa medogensis
Mdog Spiny Frog  385
云南棘蛙 Paa yunnanensis
Yunnan Spiny Frog  386
高山倭蛙 Nanorana parkeri
Xizang Plateau Frog, High Himalaya Frog  387
倭蛙 Nanorana pleskei
Plateau Frog, Hengduan Mountain Plateau Frog  388
四川湍蛙 Amolops mantzorum
Sichuan Cascade-frog  389
棕点湍蛙 Amolops loloensis
Rufous-spotted Torrent Frog, Zhaojue Cascade-frog  390
墨脱湍蛙 Amolops medogensis
Mdog Cascade Frog  391
阿尼桥湍蛙 Amolops aniqiaoensis
A-ni Bridge Cascade Frog  392
康定湍蛙 Amolops kangtingensis
Kangting Sucker Frog, Kangding Cascade-frog  393
理县湍蛙 Amolops lifanensis
Lifan Torrent Frog, Lixian Cascade-frog  394
高原林蛙 Rana kukunoris
Plateau Brown Frog  395
无指盘臭蛙 Rana grahami
Diskless-fingered Odorous Frog, Graham's Frog  396

角蟾科 Megophrridae
贡山树蟾 Hyla gongshanensis
Gongshan Tree Frog  397
平顶短腿蟾 Brachytarsophrys platyparietus
Big-headed short-legged Toad  398
林芝齿突蟾 Scutiger nyingchiensis
Nyingchi Alpine Toad, Nyingchi Lazy Toad  399
西藏齿突蟾 Scutiger boulengeri
Xizang Alpine Toad, Tibetan Rudimental-toothed Toad  400
花齿突蟾 Scutiger maculatus
Piebald Alpine Toad, Maculate Rudimental-toothed Toad  401
刺胸齿突蟾 Scutiger mammatus
Chest Spiny Cat-eyed Toad, Spine-chest Rudimental- toothed Toad  402
墨脱角蟾 Megophrys medogensis
Mdog Horn Frog  403
凸肛角蟾 Megophrys pachyproctus Huang
Convex-vented Horned Toad  404
沙坪无耳蟾 Atympanophrys shapingensis
Shaping Horned Toad, Earless Horned Toad  405

蟾蜍科 Bufonidae
隆枕蟾蜍 Bufo cyphosus
Projective Occiputed Toad  406
华西蟾蜍 Bufo andrewsi
West China Toad, Andrew’s Toad  407
花背蟾蜍 Bufo raddei
Siberian Toad, Piebald Toad  408
西藏蟾蜍 Bufo tibetanus
Tibetan Toad  409
鱼类 青藏高原的鱼类
Fishes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

鲑科 Salmonidae
四川哲罗鲑 Hucho bleekeri
Sichuan Taimen  412

鲤科 Cyprinidae
花斑裸鲤 Gymnocypris eckloni
Eklon's Schizothoracin  413
巨须裂腹鱼 Schizothorax macropogon
Tentacles Mountain Barbel, Large Whiskers Schizothoracin  414
横口裂腹鱼 Schizothorax plagiostomus
Snow Trout  416
齐口裂腹鱼 Schizothorax(Schizothorax)prenanti
Prenant's Schizothoracin  417
四川裂腹鱼 Schizothorax(Racoma)kozlovi
Sichuan Schizothoracin  418
重口裂腹鱼 Schizothorax(Racama)davidi
David's Schizothoracin  419
裸腹叶须鱼 Ptychobarbus kaznakovi
Bilobed-lip Schizothoracin  420
厚唇裸重唇鱼 Gymnodiptychus pachycheilus
Pachycheilus Schizothoracin  422
大渡软刺裸裂尻鱼 Schizopygopsis malacanthus chengi
Dadu Weakspine Schizothoracin  423
多鳞铲颌鱼 Scaphesthes macrolepis
Multitude Squama Ray-finned Carp  424
鲈鲤 Percocypris pingi
Perch Barbel, Jinsha River Ray-finned Carp  425
刺 Acanthogobio guentheri
Spine Gudgeon, Spiny Ray-finned Carp  426
黄河 Gobio huanghensis
Chuanchi Gudgeon, Huanghe Ray-finned Carp  427

鳅科 Cobitidae
戴氏山鳅 Oreias dabryi
Dabry's Mountain Loach  428
红尾副鳅 Paracobitis variegatus
Redtail Loach  429
黄河高原鳅 Triplophysa pappenheimi
Huanghe River Loach  430
斯氏高原鳅 Triplophysa stoliczkae
Stoliczk’s Loach  431
贝氏高原鳅 Triplophysa bleekeri
Bleeker’s Loach  432
拟鲇高原鳅 Triplophysa siluroides
Catfish-like Loach, Leopard Dapple Loach  433
西藏高原鳅 Triplophysa tibetana
Tibetan Loach  434
细尾高原鳅 Triplophysa stenura
Plateau Loach  435
拟硬刺高原鳅 Triplophysa pseudoscleroptera
Pseudoscleropteralia Loach  436
硬刺高原鳅 Triplophysa scleroptera
Rigidity Thorn Loach  437
短尾高原鳅 Triplophysa brevicauda
Short-tail Loach  438
黑体高原鳅 Triplophysa obscuro
Obscure Loach  439
长薄鳅 Leptobotia elongata
Elongate Loach  440
北方花鳅 Cobitis granoei
Siberian Spiny Loach  441
大斑花鳅 Cobitis macrostigma
Bigger-spot Spiny Loach  442
中华花鳅 Cobitis sinensis
Chinese Spiny Loach  443

平鳍鳅科 Balitoridae
短身金沙鳅 Jinshaia abbreviata
Short-body Hillstream Loach  444
侧沟爬岩鳅 Beaufortia liui
Butterfly Hillstream Loach  445

鮡科 Sisoridae
黄石爬鮡 Euchiloglanis kishinouei
Kishinouei Sisorid Catfish, Yellow Rock-climbing Sisoridfish  446
青石爬鮡 Euchiloglanis davidi
Davided Sisorid Catfish, David’s Rock-climbing Sisoridfish  447
贡山鮡 Pareuchiloglanis gongshanensis
Gongshan Bat Catfish  448
前臀鮡 Pareuchiloglanis anteanalis
Anal-fronter Sisoridfish  449
中华鮡 Pareuchiloglanis sinensis
Sinensis Sisorid Catfish, Chinese Sisoridfish  450
黄斑褶鮡 Pseudecheneis sulcatus
Yellow Spot Catfish  451
福建纹胸鮡 Glyptothorax fukiensis
Chinese Catfish  452
扎那纹胸鮡 Glyptothorax zainaensis
Zhana Catfish  453
藏鰋 Exostoma labiatum
Tibetan Bat Catfish  454
短体拟鰋 Pseudexostoma brachysoma
Short-stature Bat Catfish  455
拟鰋 Pseudexostoma yunnanensis
Yunnan Bat Catfish  456
大鳍异齿鰋 Oreoglanis macropterus
Siamese Bat Catfish  457

The Name List of Photographers 458

Afterword 460


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