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   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 动漫卡通 >> 2010中国文化节 动漫展
> 2010中国文化节 动漫展
出版社: 非正式出版物
作者: 编著:
开本: 出版时间:
印次: 所属类别:动漫卡通
定价: RMB --


  前 言


  今天中国动漫第一次出现在中国文化节的舞台,整体展示中国动漫发展历程、丰硕成果和创新创意,让俄罗斯人民体验中国元素的传统文化和创新的数字技术之间的交流融合,分享聚合科技时尚的新兴文化给予我们的快乐与热情。 《历史长廊》展示了二十世纪二十年代到九十年代这一时期创作的动画、漫画、连环画等精品。这部分展品通过讲述中国动漫文化的发展历史和发展过程,体现中国动漫的悠久历史和传统元素。


  China’s animation has come out a big batch of masterpieces and works and formed unique China’s animation genre with the effort of animators for several generations through one century’s development.

  In recent years, with the development of times, China’s animation culture combines science and technology and achieves big leap in terms of representing form, art contents and technology methods.

  Today, China’s animation appears in the stage of China’s Culture Festival for the first time, shows entirely the development process, rich results and innovation of China’s animation, lets Russians experience the communication and integration between traditional culture with China’s elements and digital technology and shares the happiness and enthusiasm brought by the emerging culture combining technology fashions.(文章来源:《2010中国文化节---动漫展》)


History Gallery

012 大闹天宫
Uproar In Heaven

013 草原英雄小姐妹
The Little Sisters In Grass Land

014 小号手

015 哪咤闹海
NeZha Conquers the Dragon King

016 抬驴
Lift The Donkey

017 倔强的凯拉班
Obstinate Kailaban

018 黄金梦
Dreams of Gold

019 黑猫警长
Black Cat Detective

020 好猫咪咪
Cat Mimi

021 三个和尚
Three Monks

022 老狼请客
Mr Wolf' s Delicious Meal

023 南郭先生
Mr Nanguo

024 草人
Straw Man

025 金猴降妖
The Monkey King Conquers the Demon

026 过猴山
Across Monkey Mountain

027 红军桥
The Red Army Bridge

028 渔童
The Fishing Child

029 人参娃娃
Ginseng Baby

030 金色的海螺
Golden Conch

031 狐狸打猎人
The Fox and the Hunter

032 葫芦兄弟
Calabash Brothers

033 猪八戒吃西瓜
Pigsy Eats Watermelon

034 张飞审瓜
Zhang Fei Interrogates Watermelon

035 西岳奇童
Saving Mother

036 阿凡提的故事
Avanti's Story

037 东郭先生
Mr Dong Guo

038 鹿和牛
Deer and Cattle

039 神笔
The Magical Pen

040 小八路
Little Fighters

041 孔雀公主
Princess Peacock

042 雪雁
Sonw Goose

043 地球的红飘带
The Red Ribbon on Earth

044 孙悟空三打白骨精
The Monkey King Thrice Defeats the Skeleton Demon

045 小胖的一天
A Day of Xiaopang

046 芦荡小英雄
A Little Hero in Reed Marshes

047 鄂尔丹学猎
Erdan Learning to Hunt

048 一个女人的刚毅
Fortitude of a Woman

049 家

050 红楼梦故事
Stories of the Dream of Red Mansions

051 明姑娘
Ming Girl

052 红日
Red Sun

053 城濮之战
Battle of Chengpu

054 马跃檀溪
The Horse Jumping over Tanxi

055 无产阶级的歌
A Song of Proletariat

056 弧光闪闪
Flashing Arc Light

057 红旗谱
Keep Red Flag Flying

058 人到中年
At Middle Age

059 太阳照在桑干河上
Sun over the Sangkan River

060 伊利亚特的故事
A Story of lliad

061 百图系列
Series of Hundred Paintings

062 鲁迅的青少年时代
Juvenile Years of Lu Xun

063 枫

064 半夜鸡叫
Midnight Crow

065 牧笛
Pastoral Flute

066 小鲤鱼跳龙门
Little Carp Jumps over Tall Gate

067 骄傲的将军
Pride General

068 山水情
Love of Mountain and Water

069 小蝌蚪找妈妈
Baby Tadpoles Look for Their Mother

070 雪孩子
Snow Kid

071 十二只蚊子
twelve mosquitoes

072 鹿女
Deer Girl

073 玩火者必死于火
He Who Plays with Fire Gets Burnt

074 磨好刀再杀
To Kill after Knife Grinded

075 鸡尾酒与闭门羹
Cocktail and Denial of Entrance

076 三毛流浪记之寒冬到了
Wanderings of Sanmao:Comes the Chilly Winter

077 华尔街的自由神
Statue of Liberty on Wall Street

078 脸谱

079 武大郎开店
Wudalang Runs a Shop

080 有趣的书
An lnteresting Book

081 他的车子找不到了
He Cannot See His Bicycle Any More

082 智慧快餐
Wisdom Snack

083 苏伊士运河的覆舟
Boat Capsizing on Suez Canal

084 阿姨要我帮妈妈做饭
The Aunt Ask Me to Help My Mother to Cook

085 大买主
Big Buyer

086 铿锵有声
Sonorous Voice

087 老生常谈
A Home Truth

088 四大发明的反思
Reflection on the Four lnventions

089 运砖
Transporting Bricks

090 整齐划一
Neat and Uniform

091 自嘲

092 世上只有谁最好
Who Is the Best All Over the World

093 长恨歌画意
Everlasting Regret Picture

094 孔乙己
Kong Yiji

095 三个大力士
Three Hercules

096 西游漫记
Journey to the Fantasy World

097 大闹天宫
Uproar In Heaven

098 西厢记
Romance of the West Chamber

099 山乡巨变
The Enormous Changes in Mountain Areas

100 白毛女
The White-Haired Girl

101 铁道游击队
Railway Guerrilla

102 罗伦赶考
Luolun Going in for An Examination

103 子夜

104 带阁楼的房子
A House with Attic

105 三义记
Sanyi Story

106 渡江侦察记
Reconnaissance Across the Yangtze

107 辛弃疾
Xin Qiji

Contemporary Cartoon

110 守株待兔
The Vigil by the Tree Stump To Wait for Windfalls

111 魔方大厦
Magic Cube Building

112 七色花
Seven-color Flower

113 方脸爷爷和圆脸奶奶
Square-faced Grandpa and Circular-faced Grandma

114 小草
Little Grass

115 三只小狐狸
Three Little Foxes

116 胡僧
Non-Chinese Monk

117 太阳之子
Son of the Sun

118 百鸟衣
Hundred-bird Dress

119 雪狐
Snow Fox

120 封神榜传奇
My Life as Mull

121 宝莲灯
Lutus Lantern

122 麦兜的故事(香港)
My Life as McDull (Hong Kong)

123 回想

124 哪咤传奇
The Legend of Nezha

125 源

126 荷

127 桃花源记
The Story of Peach Blossom Spring

128 燕尾蝶
Swllowtail Butterfly

129 福娃奥运漫游记
The Adventure of Beijing Olympics Mascot

130 郑和下西洋
Zheng He Traveling to the West

131 秦时明月之夜尽天明
The Bright Moon Of Chin Dynasty

132 真功夫之奥运在我家
Olympics Is In My Family

133 武林外传
My Own Swordsman

134 马兰花
The Magic Tulip

135 月亮大马戏团
The Moon Circus

136 喜羊羊与灰太狼之牛气冲天
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

137 超蛙战士

138 四灵
Four Spirit

139 三国演义
Three Kingdoms

140 Ongogo总动员
Overall Mobilization of Ongogo

141 京剧猫
Pking Opera Cat

142 国学漫画系列
Sinology Comics Series

143 张小盒系列
Zhangxiaohe series

144 绝对小孩
Absolute Child

145 第八块大陆外族、普龙爵
The Alien Group in Eighth Continent, Pulongjue

146 橘涩水影
Orange Astringent on the Water

147 辗转红尘
Tossed Around

148 米米

149 乌龙院
Wuloom Family

150 麦兜麦唛系列
McDull&McMug Series

151 龙面具的毁灭、秘钥迷踪、异域的罪恶
The Destruction of Dragon Mask, Secret Key Mystery, Sin in Exotic Region

152 神兵玄奇
Miraculous Soldiers

153 风云

154 男孩、天堂雨、未来
Boys, Rain from Heaven, Future

155 封面吸烟、闹市、少女
Coverpage Cigarette, Downtown, Girls

156 燃犀奇谈
Strange Tales about Burning Rhinoceros

157 丁香、猫头鹰之雨
Cloves, Rain of Owl

158 玛塔与猫猫庭院、树木联系作业
Mata and Maomao' Courtyard, Tree Contact Work

159 魔剑、女皇神慧
Maken, The Intelligence of Queen

160 双钩、翼
Double Hooks, Wing

161 薄云、寂莲、柳如是
Thin Clouds, Lonely Lotus, Liurushi

162 未来剧场
Futrue Theater

163 济公


164 拓维

165 方正

166 汉王

167 DIY少女漫画书
DIY Young Girl Cartoon Book


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