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·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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> 四川博物馆文物精品集
出版社: 文物出版社
作者: 编著:四川博物院
开本: 16 出版时间:2009.05
印次: 2009年5月第一次 所属类别:文博专题
ISBN: 978-7-5010-2693-7  
定价: RMB 320.00


  序 Preface
  郑晓幸 Zheng Xiaoxing
  四川省文化厅厅长 Director of Agency for Cultural Affairs of Sichuan Province
  Sichuan,with long history of culture resources,is rich of remains & relics.World heritage sites and cultural relics in Sichuan Province is top-ranked nationwide.Sichuan Museum is a center to collect,display and researches those important cultural relics of our province.
  Sichuan Museum is a large sized multiple museums of history and art and is also a landmark culture project in new century.Sichuan,with long history and splendid culture,has been taking a very important position in the history of Chinese civilization.Since mid-eighties of the twentieth century,generations of archaeological workers of Sichuan museum have presided over many major archaeological excavations and investigations in province-wide,excavated thousands of ancient remains and relics as well as burial sites,achieved information about thousands pieces of and wide range of culture relics.Therefore,Sichuan Museum is also called as Archaeological Museum by foreign experts.Now,Sichuan Museum has a collection of near 260,000 pieces of culture relics,among which,near 1000 pieces are Class A culture relics.In addition,Sichuan Museum has made significant achievements on finding and collecting,researching and protecting as well as displaying culture relics.
  Culture relics,the carrier of history and the microcosm of the civilization development,can display our fine cultural traditions.Chinese civilization,with long history,has left us with a large number of precious cultural heritages and has the important meaning to demonstrate our Chinese nation's great intelligence and creativity and carry forward our national spirit.Museum,as the place to protect,research,collect and display our historic and cultural relics as well as material evidence about human environment,is a memory of a city and a nation,a symbol of inheriting national cultural.Therefore,the museum is not only a treasure-house of human substantial cultural heritage,but also the special scientific research institution and educational institution.It has the ultimate mission of protecting and inheriting our human culture.
  At the completion of the new building of Sichuan Museum,it happened to be the 60th anniversary of the founding of new China.All cultural relics in our museum have been compiled,bringing you a review of the past,taking you through time and space,giving you enjoy of fruits of human civilization.Among which,Bashu bronzes,pottery stones of Han Dynasty,Buddhist statues,ancient paintings and calligraphies,ethnic culture relics etc.have very high historic,artistic and scientific values,and are the treasure of our Chinese nation’s history and culture and have a long-lasting artistic appeal and humanistic spirit vitality.
  In the 30 years of reform and opening-up,our China's relics and museology has achieved rapid development.Sichuan,as the major province rich of the relics and museology resources,has got a rapid development.To meet the rapid growing culture need,to adapt to the trend of the times and people's new expectations,our Sichuan province also puts forward goals of building strong province in culture,strengthening the work of transforming from a province rich in culture resource to a province strong in culture,committing to contemporary cultural construction and paying more attention to history.Building an advanced culture,promoting the cultural development and prosperity means manifesting and innovating culture but on the base of absorbing the essence of our traditional culture and national culture,which is also,the noble mission of our museum shall take in duty bound.




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