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> 延展生命---国际新媒体艺术三年展
出版社: 中国美术馆
作者: 编著:范迪安、张尕
开本: 出版时间:
印次: 所属类别:当代艺术
ISBN: 978-1-84631-746-0  
定价: RMB --


  在此,我代表中国美术馆高兴地宣布“媒体中国”将作为中国美术馆的延续性项目,每三年举办一次,向中国观众介绍国际新媒体艺术发展的最新成果,由此建立美术馆与新媒体艺术发展之间的有机关系。“媒体中国”既是对中国范围内新媒体艺术动态发展的关注,同时也是以当代中国文化视野对国际新媒体艺术展开的叙述与讨论,因此,展览是对新媒体艺术和本土新媒体艺术观的双重呈示,是对以“媒体”为关键词的国内外作品所作的比较式阅读与阐述。当全球化的璀璨之光不断弥散到艺术发展的每一处缝隙,艺术型态本体和有关艺术型态的叙述都需要在全球的视野中葆有本土的文化身份,如此才能在同一性与特殊性、开放与自我之间获得平衡。毫无疑问,这也是落到中国美术馆肩上的一份文化责任。在中国美术馆举办新媒体艺术三年展,将新媒体艺术纳入到国家美术馆整体的展览和研究格局中,充分利用了中国的美术馆在当代艺术发展中的地位与作用,亦合乎当代艺术处于“转思时代”(trans-times)的文化逻辑。 当来自世界各地的新媒体艺术家的相逢和最新交汇成为一种持续性的对话,“媒体中国”必将成为未来国际新媒体艺术研究和交流的重要平台 。
  Fan Di’An
  Director, The National Art Museum of China
Following the groundbreaking international new media art exhibition “Synthetic Times: Media Art China 2008,” a cultural highlight of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the National Art Museum of China is pleased to present “Translife,” which showcases emerging trends in art and technology within the new global cultural context. The “new” in new media art not only manifests itself in the development of media technologies and their material and instrumental capacities, more importantly, it lends artists novel ways to explore emergent cultural issues. By presenting the most current research and discourse, this exhibition substantiates new media art as a significant social and cultural force.
  Here, on behalf of NAMOC, I’m pleased to announce that “Media Art China” will hereafter be a triennial exhibition that introduces the latest developments in international new media art to the Chinese public, thereby establishing a cohesive relationship between NAMOC and the development of new media art. “Media Art China” not only focuses on the development of media art in China; it also extends the discourse into the global media art community through a Chinese perspective. Therefore, this exhibition can be seen as a two-fold presentation of both a localized and a global outlook for the discipline, by which the keyword “media” is intended to evoke comparative readings and interpretations of artworks both inside and outside of China. As globalization permeates into every corner of artistic practice, it is necessary that art and its expressive languages maintain their respective cultural identities within a global context, to achieve a balance between singularity and multiplicity, the open and the individual. NAMOC gladly takes up this cultural    responsibility. Organizing the International Triennial of New Media Art, and incorporating media art into NAMOC’s overall programming and research agenda unifies the institution’s unique position and influence within the contemporary art world, resonating with the “trans-times” cultural logic of contemporary art. As new media artists from around the world gather and initiate a sustained dialogue, “Media Art China” will surely become an important international platform for future research and exchange in new media art.
  The extension from the “synthetic” in the inaugural exhibition of “Synthetic Times” to the prefix “trans” in this edition, reflects a shift from a macroscopic bird’s eye view to a microscopic attentive gaze, an exploration from the phenomenological exterior to the essential quality of the interior, thereby evoking a philosophical contemplation on the notion of life in the context of an increasingly technologically driven society. The exhibition brings viewers visceral experiences of sensory stimulation via extreme environments and reflections on the concept of life through the muted growth of transgenic plants. Furthermore, by engaging audiences with diverse artistic positions and strategies, the exhibition advocates citizen participation in confronting the current ecological and environmental crisis. The catalogue consists of a collection of texts contributed by scholars to elaborate on the exhibition’s themes and their philosophical ramifications as an extension of the exhibition into 2D space.
  “Translife” initiates an intriguing cultural discussion that helps establish new concepts about nature and the humanities. Here, I want to express my gratitude whole heartedly to curator Zhang Ga for his dedication in the preparation of this exhibition and his extensive knowledge of the international community of new media art both scholarly and professionally. We respect his passion for advancing media art practice in China. His conception and elaboration on the themes of the exhibition reflect the most current discourse of global media art theorization and production. Special thanks also to Ma Yansong for his excellent architectural design for this show, to the NAMOC staff for their unremitting efforts during its realization, and to the publisher and all relevant domestic and foreign institutes for their sponsorship and support.


012 前言  范迪安
014 延展生命  张尕
030 生命之后  尤金•撒克
044  21世纪的生物哲学  尤金•撒克
058 如何将集体集合起来  布鲁诺•拉图尔
082 多域理论  彼得•施罗德戴克
102 交叉、替换、与扭曲:惊异之感  克里斯•萨尔特
120 作品
158 过渡时代  马修•富勒
172 作品
214 另一种柔和  阿君•莫得尔
23 作品
261 作品
276 后记  迈克•斯特博斯
278 简历
298 展览组织机构
299 合作机构
300 支持
302 致谢


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