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   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 摄影摄像 >> 海南黎村苗寨
> 海南黎村苗寨
出版社: 海南出版社
作者:胡亚玲  编著:
开本: 12 出版时间:2012.2
印次: 2012年5月第1次 所属类别:摄影摄像
ISBN: 978-7-5443-4249-0  
定价: RMB 266.00




海南黎族?The Li people of Hainan 2
黎族村落与建筑?The Li villages and architectural design 4
黎族民居?The Li homes 10
“隆闺”?Longgui 16
谷仓?Barns 20
牛栏?Cattle sheds 24
黎族船形屋营造技艺?The Li Boat-shaped House 26
黎族民房改造?The Li housing reform 30
黎族传统劳作?The traditional Li mode of production 34
黎族生产、生活用具?The Li utilitarian tools and wares 38
采集、狩猎、捕捞 ?Gathering, hunting and artisan fishing 46
黎族竹、藤编织?The bamboo and rattan weaving craft of the Li 50
黎族原始制陶技艺?The primitive pottery craft of the Li 54
黎族钻木取火技艺?The Li’s technique of drilling wood to make fire 64
黎族树皮布制作技艺 ?The barkcloth-making craft of the Li 68
黎族传统纺染织绣技艺?The traditional Li textile techniques of spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering 74
黎族织锦图案?The Li brocade patterns 102
龙被?The Dragon Quilt 118
黎族传统服饰?The traditional Li costume 124
黎族妇女的装饰品?The Li women’s accessories 150
黎族男子的“三件宝”?The Li men’s Three Treasures 168
黎族文身?The Li tattoos 171
黎族传统婚礼?The traditional Li weddings 190
黎族祭祀?The worship tradition of the Li 214
黎族礼仪?The Li etiquette 218
黎族丧葬?The Li funerary rites 224
黎族地瓜酒?The Li Sweet Potato Wine 232
黎族山栏酒?The Li Shanlan Wine 236黎族风味美食?The Li delicatessen 242黎族民间音乐与传统乐器?The Li folk music and musical instruments 246黎族民歌手王妚大?The Li folk singer Wang Boda 252黎族民间舞蹈——咚铃伽舞?The Li folk dance-the Donglingjia Dance 256黎族打柴舞?The Li Dachai Dance 260黎族骨器制作?The bone-carving craft of the Li 264黎族剪纸?The Li paper cutting 270黎族、苗族“三月三”节?The Sanyuesan Festival of the Li and Miao 272黎族山栏节?The Li Shanlan Festival 280黎族山村小学的变迁?The transformation of a Li primary school 288
海南苗族?The Miao people in Hainan 294海南苗族的生产、生活?The Miao’s Life and production 298
海南苗族染织绣技艺?The Miao textile techniques in Hainan 304海南苗族发绣?The Miao hair embroidery in Hainan 310
海南苗族服饰 ?The Miao costume 314
海南苗族婚俗?The Miao weddings in Hainan 320海南苗家“三色饭”?The Miao Tri-colour Rice 328海南苗族招龙舞?The Miao Zhaolong Dance in Hainan 332海南苗族信仰?Religious beliefs of the Miao in Hainan 336
槟榔谷—“活体”非物质文化遗产宝库?The Areca Valley: A Treasure Storehouse of Intangible Cultural Heritage 338
后记?Afterword 340
参考文献?References 341


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