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> 古都遗韵---逝水胡同(第叁卷)
出版社: 东方出版社
作者:方砚  编著:方砚
开本: 16 出版时间:2013.01
印次: 2013年1月第一次 所属类别:中国画
ISBN: 978-7-5060-6011-0  
定价: RMB 320.00


  (印张63.5 字数750千字 定价1280元 共4卷)


目录^_^Directory of Each Volume
冰糖葫芦 2^_^Bingtang Hulu (Rock Candy Gourd)
茶汤油茶摊 3^_^Tea Soup and Oil Tea Shop
豆汁摊 4^_^Bean Milk Shop
煎灌肠 5^_^Fried Sausage
抓“半空儿” 6^_^Selling Fried Peanuts
打冰盏 7^_^Beating the Bingzhanr (Copper Dishes as a Sounding Tool for Peddling)
卖熏鱼儿 8^_^Selling Smoked Fish
卖臭豆腐 9^_^Selling Choudoufu (Bean Curd with Odor)
卖大米粥 10^_^Selling Rice Porridge
压饸饹 11^_^Making Hele (a kind of noodles)
豌豆黄 12^_^Wandou Huang (a kind of refection made of pease)
摇元宵 13^_^Making Rice Glue Balls
雪花酪 14^_^Xuehua Lao (Chinese Ice-cream)
卖豆腐脑 15^_^Selling Jellied Bean Curd
卖青菜 16^_^Selling Green Vegetables
胡同里的香烟摊 17^_^Cigarette Stall in the Alley
卖香油 18^_^Peddling Balm
挑水夫 19^_^Water Carrier
卖活鱼活虾 20^_^Selling Living Fish and Living Prawn
水果摊 21^_^Fruit Stand
卖切糕 22^_^Selling Qiegao (Glutinous Rice Cake)
糖炒大栗子 23^_^Fried Chestnuts with Sugar
卖萝卜 24^_^Selling Radishes
吊炉烧饼 25^_^Baked Wheat Cake
面茶摊 26^_^Miancha (Seasoned Millet Mush)
卖西瓜 27^_^Selling Watermelons
卖烤白薯 28^_^Selling Sweet Potatoes
卖大白菜 29^_^Selling Chinese Cabbages
卖大对虾、黄花鱼 30^_^Selling Big Prawns and Yellow
莜面卷 31^_^Naked Oats Flour Rolls
扒糕凉粉 32^_^Bean Jelly
清煮油渣 33^_^Stewed Oil Residue
甑糕 34^_^Zenggao (Caldron-stewed Cake)
卖奶酪 35^_^Selling Cheese
卖江米藕 36^_^Selling Jiangmi'ou (Glutinous Rice Cake Steamed in Lotus Root)
卖桑葚 37^_^Selling Mulberry
鸡头米、老菱角 38^_^Golden Euryale and Old Water
卖肥卤鸡 39^_^Selling Fat Pot-stewed Chicken
炸面筋 40^_^Fried Gluten
卖烂蚕豆 41^_^Selling Cooked Broad Beans
馄饨挑子 42^_^Wonton (Chinese Dumpling)
卖硬面饽饽 43^_^Selling Hard Chinese Cakes
羊霜肠 44^_^Yang Shuang Chang (Frost-like Sheep Bowel with Blood)
煮白薯 45^_^Stewed Sweet Potato
卖芸豆饼 46^_^Selling Kidney Bean Cake
卖油酥烧饼 47^_^Selling Oily Crisp Baked Cakes
蛋卷小人糕 48^_^Egg Rolls and Little Figurine Cakes
炸回头、烫面炸糕 49^_^Fried Huitou (a Muslim Cake) and Tangmian Fried Cakes
卖炸豆腐、炸丸子 50^_^Selling Fried Bean Curd and Fried Balls
卖牛肝、牛头肉 51^_^Selling Beef Liver and Ox Head Meat
“爆肚儿”摊 52^_^“Cooked Tripe of Swine”Stand
“卤煮火烧”摊 53^_^“Bittern-stewed Baked Wheaten Cake”Stall
卖豆汁、麻豆腐 54^_^Selling Bean Milk and Cooking-starch Residue
卖粽子的 55^_^Selling Zongzi (Pyramid-shaped Dumpling of Glutinous Rice)
大碗茶 56^_^Tea in Big-bowl
卖羊头肉 57^_^Selling Sheep-head Meat
卖年糕摊 58^_^Rice Cake Stall
刨冰摊 59^_^Water Ice Stall
馄饨摊 60^_^Wonton Stall
卖白芸豆糕 61^_^Selling White Kidney Bean Cakes
卖蝈蝈 62^_^Selling Katydids
草编玩具 63^_^Grass-woven Toys
卖蛐蛐 64^_^Selling Crickets
卖小金鱼儿 65^_^Selling Little Goldfish
修笼屉 66^_^Mending the Food Steamer
打镗锣 67^_^Beating the Gongs
卖鹅毛扇子 68^_^Selling Goose-hair Fans
耍“傀儡戏” 69^_^Playing“Puppet Game”
卖京胡 70^_^Selling Peking Opera Fiddle
吹“糖人” 71^_^Blowing“Sugar Figurine”
卖报童 72^_^Paper Boy
游医 73^_^Wandering Doctor
捏面人 74^_^Making Dough Figurines
修搓板 75^_^Mending the Washboard
耍猴儿 76^_^Monkey Show
打瓢 77^_^Making the Gourd Ladle
修鞋 78^_^Mending Shoes
修脚的 79^_^Pedicurist
打小鼓的 80^_^Drum Beater
磨刀匠 81^_^Knife Grinder
估衣摊 82^_^Second-hand Clothes Stall
剃头挑 83^_^Street Hair Shaver
照快相 84^_^Taking a Snapshot
代写书信摊 85^_^Stand for Writing Letters for Others
掏粪工 86^_^Nightman
缝穷 87^_^Patching Clothes
卖黄土的 88^_^Selling Yellow Soil
卖旧货 89^_^Selling Second-hand Goods
锔盆锔碗 90^_^Mending Basins and Bowls
擦皮鞋 91^_^Shoe Polishing
卖灰纸 92^_^Selling Toilet Paper
捡破烂 93^_^Picking Odds and Ends from Refuse Heaps
算命的 94^_^Fortuneteller
摇煤球 95^_^Making Coalballs
画糖画 96^_^Drawing Sugar Pictures
卖年画 97^_^Selling Nianhua (New Year Pictures)
卖“蛤蟆骨朵” 98^_^Selling“Hamaguduo”(Todpole-shaped Dumpling)
修桌椅板凳 99^_^Mending Desks, Chairs and Stools
焊洋铁壶 100^_^Welding Tinplate Pots
修理雨伞旱伞 101^_^Repairing Umbrellas and Parasols
箍桶 102^_^Cooper
粘扇面 103^_^Pasting the Fan Surface
打竹帘子 104^_^Making Bamboo Screens
卖大小绿瓦盆 105^_^Selling Green Tile Basins of All Sizes
卖干劈柴 106^_^Selling Dry Split Firewood
卖布头 107^_^Selling Leftovers of Cloth
卖毡面儿、鞋垫儿 108^_^Selling Felt Insteps and Insoles
收买文玩字画 109^_^Buying Over Writings and Works of Calligraphy and Painting
编芦席 110^_^Weaving Reed Mats
打麻绳 111^_^Making Hemp Ropes
洋“取灯儿” 112^_^Foreign“Qudengr (Matches)”
卖木炭 113^_^Selling Wood Charcoal
卖鸡毛掸子 114^_^Selling Chicken Feather Dusters
卖支瓦支炉 115^_^Selling Stove Propping Iron and Tile
卖盆花 116^_^Selling Pot Flowers
窝脖儿 117^_^Wobor (Porter for Delicate Furniture)
看“小人书” 118^_^Reading“Xiaorenr Shu (Picture-story Books)”
耍货车 119^_^Toy Selling Wagon
转彩、捅彩 120^_^Lottery Wheel
卖果子干、玫瑰枣 121^_^Selling Dried Fruits and Rose-treated Dates
卖冰核儿 122^_^Selling Ice Lumps
卖草帘子、狗窝 123^_^Selling Grass Curtains and Doghouses
买两块卖两块 124^_^Buy and Sell Silver Dollars
卖鸟摊 125^_^Bird Selling Stall
拔牙 126^_^Tooth Extraction
补锅 127^_^Patching the Pot
耍耗子的 128^_^Mouse Show
拉大锯 129^_^Working a Two-handed Saw
换茶壶茶碗 130^_^Changing Teapots and Teabowls
盲人唱大鼓 131^_^Blindman Performing Dagu (A Story-telling Art)
卖旧鞋摊 132^_^Secondhand Shoe Selling Stall
盲人卦摊 133^_^Blindman Doing Fortune-telling


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