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> 花好月圆---花的诗·书·画艺术
出版社: 上海文艺出版社 |
编著: |
开本: 12 |
出版时间:2012.07 |
印次: 2012年7月第一次 |
所属类别:中国画 |
ISBN: 978-7-5321-3506-6 |
定价: RMB 260.00 |
序 言
Our nation loves the nature and life. In the poetry of our ancestors’ the flowers and grass were given the strength of character. The Confucius said: “It is after winter that we will know conifers withered the last”. From then on, people conclude that ‘the Three Friends of Winter’, which includes pine, bamboo and plum blossom is the symbol of dignity and constancy. In Tang Dynasty, the famous poet Du Fu once said: ‘when you are in a bad mood, even flowers would splash tears for you; when you part sadly, the birds also get frightened’. The sentences above are the best anthropomorphic feelings, which become eternal farewell. Since ancient times, the flowers have lead to the birds’ and flowers’ paintings and poetry, which is an important object of artistic expression. The picturesque poetry, poems and paintings decorate and complement each other. For thousands of years, the flower is an inexhaustible source of creation which is loved by men of letters.
China has vast land and lots of resources. A wide variety of flowers decorate the earth and people’s life. People from all parts including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan’s compatriots have their choice of local flowers, and some even became the city’s cultural symbols.
Shanghai cultural organizations conceive the theme as ‘Blooming followers Under the Light of Full Moon’ and select representative painters of Shanghai who are Chen Jialing, Gong Jixian, Yang Zhengxin, Chen Shizhong, Cai Daxiong and Bao Ying to carefully create thirty-six great pieces of work, which is a combination of meticulous and freehand, and also a combination of sophisticated and imaginative. That shows the graceful charm of China’s flowers. Various of famous calligraphists from Shanghai are also invited which include: Chen Peiqiu, Lin Ximing, Zhang Rushi, Zhou Huijun,Liu Xiaoqing,Zhou Zhigao, Xu Yunshu and Dai Xiaojing to write ancient Odes to Flowers for each painting. The calligraphy is written either flowing free or calm, which shows the style of the calligraphists of Shanghai. This time, the poetry, calligraphy and paintings integrate with each other and make a perfect match. The seventy-two works constitute a complete set of masterpieces and contain rich connotation and adornments, which demonstrate to the reader the new features of contemporary Shanghai’s Calligraphy and Paintings and have high the artistic value and cultural significance.
On the occasion of the exhibition being held in Shanghai and Taiwan and the album of paintings being sent to the press, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and write this prologue.
Chen Peiqiu
July 2012 in Kunming
陈佩秋书 【宋】楼 钥《以玉兰赠王习父》 /008
陈家泠绘 白玉兰 /009
戴小京书 【明】苏世让《初见杜鹃花》/010
陈家泠绘 杜鹃花 /011
周慧珺书 【隋】杜公瞻《咏同心芙蓉》/012
陈家泠绘 荷花 /013
周志高书 【宋】杨巽斋《茉莉花》/014
陈家泠绘 茉莉花 /015
徐云叔书 【宋】方逢辰《石峡山茶盛开》/016
陈家泠绘 茶花 /017
周慧珺书 【宋】陈 棣《蜡梅三绝》/018
陈家泠绘 蜡梅 /019
陈佩秋书 【宋】黄庭坚《王充道送水仙花五十枝欣然会心为之作咏》/020
龚继先绘 水仙花 /021
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龚继先绘 云南山茶 /023
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龚继先绘 梅花 /025
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龚继先绘 木芙蓉 /027
刘小晴书 【宋】李清照《鹧鸪天》/028
龚继先绘 桂花 /029
章汝奭书 【东周】孔 子《孔子家语•在厄》/030
龚继先绘 君子兰 /031
陈佩秋书 【唐】罗 隠《牡丹花》/032
杨正新绘 牡丹 /033
刘小晴书 【宋】宋 祁《朝日莲赞》/034
杨正新绘 睡莲 /035
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杨正新绘 玫瑰 /037
周志高书 【宋】寇 准《南阳帝上各赋玉蝴蝶花一绝》/038
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林曦明书 【宋】无名氏《山丹花》/040
杨正新绘 格桑花 /041
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杨正新绘 木兰 /043
章汝奭书 【清】程之鵔《云外峰》/044
陈世中绘 黄山杜鹃 /045
章汝奭书 【清】叶申芗《相见欢•紫荆》/046
陈世中绘 紫荆花 /047
林曦明书 【宋】赵以夫《咏兰》/048
陈世中绘 兰花 /049
戴小京书 【东晋十六国•后秦】
鸠摩罗什 译《维摩经•观众生品》/050
陈世中绘 天女花 /051
林曦明书 【唐】李 白《客中行》/052
陈世中绘 郁金香 /053
徐云叔书 【宋】王 信《咏扬州后土祠琼花》/054
陈世中绘 琼花 /055
刘小晴书 【明】张 新《月季花》/056
蔡大雄绘 月季 /057
章汝奭书 【宋】杨万里《疑露堂前紫薇花两株,每自五月盛开,九月乃衰》/058
蔡大雄绘 紫薇花 /059
戴小京书 【清】严永华《春日偶成》/060
蔡大雄绘 榆叶梅 /061
刘小晴书 【宋】韦 骧《洛阳春•丁香花》/062
蔡大雄绘 丁香花 /063
徐云叔书 【宋】范成大《太平瑞圣花》/064
蔡大雄绘 太平花 /065
周志高书 【唐】岑 参《优钵罗花歌》/066
蔡大雄绘 天山雪莲 /067
戴小京书 【宋】洪谘夔《百合花》/068
鲍莺绘 百合花 /069
刘小晴书 【宋】廖行之《野花》/070
鲍莺绘 金露梅 /071
周志高书 【明】李梦阳《菊花》/072
鲍莺绘 菊花 /073
戴小京书 【清】陈恭尹《木棉花歌》/074
鲍莺绘 木棉花 /075
林曦明书 【宋】戴复古《觅芍药代简岂潜》/076
鲍莺绘 芍药 /077
徐云叔书 民间歌谣《马兰花》/078
鲍莺绘 马兰 /079
何小颜撰 花文化之中国特色 /080-081
名花简介 /082-117
创作者简介 /118-131 |
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