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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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> 正负极:巨燕油画作品集
出版社: 上海书店出版社
作者:巨燕  编著:
开本: 8 出版时间:2012.08
印次: 2012年8月第一次 所属类别:油画雕塑
ISBN: 978-7-5458-0656-4  
定价: RMB 198.00


  Where the light comes from
  南浦云 By Nanpu Yun
  People who have seen Ju Yan’s electric poles series very often feel as if they have been struck by lightning. The choice of topics is extraordinary, images outstanding with unconventional aggressiveness and desire for freedom. Lines, straight or not as if in a spider web, variegated colors, light or heavy, and images which seem simple but actually complicated, jump out at you and catch your attention. They give you an extraordinary visual experience.
  Electric poles can be seen in every city and on every street or corner. They stand there quietly, rain or shine. While the wires they carry, open or concealed, with thousands of strands and ends, secretly enter every public space and family. They carry energy, light up the darkness and accompany everyone’s life. The complicated web of wires somehow resembles the wide spectrum of social relations: Some are straight and some are twisted, some are clear and some are blurry. They are simple light straight lines yet complicated as a spider web. No other thing in the world can be more about the truth of the relationship between people and organizations and those between people. Transformers and distributors quietly organize the wires and electricity flow. Those objects carry the same authority as ‘organizations’. Power or no power, bright or dark, it all depends on them. They control everything. Electric poles stand straight. But the painter sometimes makes them slanted. It is partly for the purpose of the aesthetic layout of the picture. But it also has another purpose: it brings an oppressing sensation. People find their own interpretations. Straight or slope, black or white, beautiful or ugly, kind or evil, day or night, are sometimes reversible. The progress of humans and society, the natural changes with seasons and ups and downs of people’s fate are something everyone has to face. Where there is brightness, there is darkness. They accompany each other. The invention of electricity builds a prosperous modern society and rebuilds the social structure as well. The ever expanding and extremely complicated modern society squeezes the last bit of personal life. The powerful electricity sets up rules and standards for materialism. The ideal life, which is disappearing, can be found only at the places that electric poles are seldom seen.
  In recent years, many artists have shown their interests in industrial topics. But most of them are men. Their influences and achievements are amazing. However, Ju Yan, as a female painter, has surprised everyone. She chooses such an extraordinary subject, electric poles, and adopts a special approach. With the massive image, cold, hard and vivid, with depiction, and metaphors she adds, she wants to show people her peculiar perception of modern society and city life, which surprises and enlightens us all.


1 序 欲知光明来何处
Foreword Where the light comes from

13 巨燕:建构城市的审美空间
Ju Yan: To build aesthetic space of a city

30 冰与火的寓言——巨燕油画新作之我见
A Fable of Ice and Fire: A few thoughts on Ju Yan’s new works

45 巨燕解密——与巨燕对话的思考
Decoding Ju Yan: Dialogue with Ju Yan and my thoughts after

66 城市末端的风景
View of the city edge


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