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> 收藏家2008年第10期(总第144期)
出版社: 收藏家杂志社 |
编著:赵其昌 |
开本: 16 |
出版时间:2008.10 |
印次: 2008年10月第一次 |
所属类别:报刊杂志 |
ISSN: 1005-0655 |
定价: RMB 28.00 |
目录 最新报道 福建考古成果展文物精品赏析汪 震3^_^Appreciation of Culture Relics of ArchaeologyWang Zhen Achievements Exhibition of Fujian Province 博物精华 明定陵出土宫廷御用金器(上)王秀玲9^_^Imperial Gold Vessels from Ding Mausoleum of Ming DynastyWang Xiuling 赏玩手札 富丽堂皇 王者风范李 何29 ---浅论清代黄釉瓷的发展与创新^_^On Development and Improvement ofLi He Yellow Glaze Porcelain of Qing Dynasty 烟气氤氲 人神共享王向阳80 ---漫话瓷香炉^_^Talking about Ceramic Incense burnersWang Xiangyang 元明金银首饰中的瓜与鼠扬之水51^_^The Melon and Mouse Design of GoldenYang Zhishui and Silver Jewellery of Yuan and Ming Dynasties 藏珍览物华王 昊19 ---北京艺术博物馆明清硬木家具展赏析^_^Appreciation of Hardwood Furniture Exhibition of MingWang Hao and Qing Dynasties at Beijing Art Museum 陈潮《篆书立轴》和无所住斋王厚宇49^_^Chen Chao’s Zhuanshulizhou and WusuozhuzhaiWang Houyu “西泠八家”之蒋仁两题朱 琪25^_^Jiang Ren’s Two Inscriptions of XilengbajiaZhu Qi 御赐僧格林沁祭文稿本略考付 幸73^_^Brief Research of Manuscript of FuneralFu Xing Oration Bestowed to Mork Ge Lin-qin 专名例释 抱朴守一 蓄素执中周 默63 ---中国古典家具材质研究之五·榉木^_^On Ju WoodZhou Mo 玉器文明徐红霞41 ---凌家滩遗址出土玉器赏析^_^Jade Civilization: Appreciation of Jade from Linjiatan SitesXu Hongxia 说琮张明华57^_^On Jade CongZhang Minghua 公私秘藏 颐和园藏元代蓝釉白龙纹梅瓶卢 侃71^_^Blue Glazed Plum Vase with White DragonLu Kan Design of Yuan Dynasty Collected at Summer Palace 兰渚疏峰周少白张传伦36 ---记清代画石第一人周棠^_^On Zhou TangZhang Chuanlun 域外藏珍 融西会东 奇丽壮美肖 冲85 ---布拉格国立美术馆藏20世纪中国绘画述论^_^The Chinese Paintings of 20 Centry Xiao Chong Collected by National Gallery in Prague 拍前预览 天津文物 佳士得91 |
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