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> 上海中国画院绘画作品集·1
出版社: 上海书画出版社
作者: 编著:施大畏,车鹏飞
开本: 8 出版时间:2007.10
印次: 2007年10月第一次 所属类别:中国画
ISBN: 978-7-80725-608-3  
定价: RMB 460.00










  Shi Dawei

  Half a century of memorable time, and half a century of glorious achievements. That s an extraordinary fifty-year Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy has just experienced.

  In retrospect, the years passed were unusual and extraordinary. The solitude and tenacity, hardship and expectation, glory and dream of masters and artists are embodied here. The ups and downs in life and art are staged here, acts and acts, ultimately composing splendid symphony.

  As painters and calligraphers gather here, innovation and creativity constitute the essence of their artistic practice.

  Inheriting the tradition, building the contemporary, and exploring the future, are in the pursuit of the artists who appreciate the life and serve the people.

  The works of first generation artists are the epitomes of multiple genres of Chinese paintings in the 20th century, vividly reflecting the exchange and integration of oriental and western culture. As time goes on, the artists devote themselves to the society, thus their works featuring the time as well as the individuality.

  The new generation artists are exploring new horizons. They are broad in vision, original in views, active in creation, and diversified in expression. In this transitional period, various art genres coexist and competes: some artists explore the value of the life, and the relation between human and the nature; some examine the significance of civilization, and the power of destiny; some quest for the delicacy between the ink and rice paper; others strive for further advancement in materials and expression. Inheriting the fine tradition and keeping pace with the time, their diversified works reflect nationality, individuality and the time.

  Adhering to national spirit and the time, the artists of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy have achieved great success, thus composing a new chapter in the genre of Shanghai painting.(文章来源:《上海中国画院绘画作品集1》)


施大畏 序
车鹏飞 陈翔
姚虞琴 梅竹图 1
兰池清夏 2
商言志 富贵平安 3
石榴荷花 4
张叔通 峨眉山龙门洞 5
拟元人山水 6
芍药 7
张红薇 水仙 8
熊松泉 双虎 9
苍松雪豹 10
樊少云 冲雪送粮图 11
云山日出 12
谿山雪霁 14
吴东迈 枇杷 15
红梅 16
张聿光 合作社 17
孔雀开屏 18
孙雪泥 渔业丰产 19
时鲜 20
郑集宾 菊花 21
蝴蝶花 22
马公愚 瓯柑丰收 23
猫 24
沈迈士 新安江水库 25
至徐凫岩途中 27
贺天健 秋林偶语 29
虎头岩 31
黄山宾馆翠岚间 34
此中另有一乾坤 35
莲花峰 37
饲牛图 39
朱屺瞻 绿化都市 41
山水清音 42
溪山信美 43
菊石 45
紫藤 47
吴湖帆 峒关蒲雪 48
春山晴霭 49
西郊公园写景 50
双松叠翠 51
谢沿青山李白楼 52
风娇雨秀 53
庆祝我国原子弹爆炸成功 55
邓怀农 蚕 56
洞庭山色秀 57
杨清磬 云泉图 58
朱文侯 劳动创造一切 59
双虎 61
袁松年 朝晖 62
万绿丛中点点红 63
刘海粟 红梅 65
黄山一线天奇观 67
石笋云松 69
黄山天门坎 71
江南春雨 72
黄山白龙潭 73
胡伯翔 人民公社奶牛 75
王个砥 向日葵 77
勤俭持家 78
双丰收 79
走向生活 80
菜肥麦秀 81
钱瘦铁 松鹰 83
枇杷 85
流水有妙响 86
山重水复 87
丰子恺 家家扶得醉人归 88
落红不是无情物 89
土产交流 90
饮水思源 91
莫言千顷白云好 92
百泉竞流 93
张石园 华岳西峰远望 94
云山清晓 95
李秋君 丰收 96
送肥 97
伍蠡甫 新安江水电站 99
拟石涛笔意 101
林风眠 轧钢 103
三只梨 105
梨花小鸟 106
山庄 107
农舍 109
漆屏 111
关良 打渔杀家 113
武剧人物 114
太白醉写 115
武打人物 116
鸳鸯楼 117
武剧图 119
谢之光 万吨水压机 121
湖山帆影 123
好阿姨 124
船坞 125
郑慕康 采茧 126
红线盗盒 127
来楚生 山芋 129
收菜籽 130
老少年 131
海棠 132
芭蕉青蛙 133
江寒汀 竹子雉鸡 135
春花白鹦鹉 136
蓼花鸳鸯 137
喜报花开朵朵红 139
萝卜 141
张大壮 果熟图 143
水产丰收 144
新豆涌到 145
明虾竹笋 147
带鱼丰收 149
陆小曼 黄山清凉台 150
黄山小景 151
戈湘岚 饲养场 152
水里神仙 153
沈子丞 迎春 155
陈秋草 山高水长 157
菊花 159
天竺水仙 161
黄幻吾 夹竹桃雉鸡 162
江上渔舟 163
叶露园 象牙红 164
牵牛花 165
陈小翠 报春图 167
张充仁 猫 169
王己千 水果 171
陆抑非 飞燕桃花 173
秧担 174
快快插禾 175
飞来凤 177
陆俨少 引水上山 179
雁荡秀色 180
雁荡耕牧 181
公社之晨 183
祖国建设需要栋梁材 185
万里海疆铁铸成 187
周铃霞 新生 189
春光满载友情多 191
董天野 幼苗 192
渔港之晨 193
谢稚柳 亭林飞瀑 195
松岭孤亭 197
青山绿水 198
草原放牧 199
江帆山色 201
唐云 芭蕉竹鸟 203
养鸡场一角 205
争食 206
荷花 207
松鼠笋石 209
应野平 建设中的新安江水电站 210
黄浦江边 211
茨坪新貌 212
松云无尽图 213
吴青霞 芦雁 215
鱼跃 216
湖塘水满鱼儿肥 217
朱梅 高高山上红辣椒 219
抢修炉子快出钢 221
张雪父 化水灾为水利 222
樱花红陌上 223
装卸区新貌 224
张炎夫 太湖橘子 225
崔德祺 双清图 226
潘志云 蠡河风景 227
为了实现农业电气化 228
曹简楼 石榴 229
水仙 230
汤义方 搏斗在暴风雨中 231
祖国的花朵 232
军民联欢 233
吕蒙 热火朝天 235
墙院一角 237
庞左玉 扁豆 238
连绵花绽 239
俞子才 登高图 241
雁荡山 242
雁荡西石梁 243
胡若思 黄海晴峦 244
太华西峰 245
俞云阶 早露 247
邵洛羊 腊子口 248
兰花泉石 249
七里泷 251
孙祖勃 雪山 252
奇峰异洞 253
沈柔坚 荷花 255
山菊 257
解暑 258
凌波 259
江圣华 柳荫双禽 261
春花小鸟 263
乔木 春意 264
竹鸟 265
锦鸡 267
Shi Dawei Preface
Che Pengfei chen xiang
sunrise above the Sea
A50 Year Retrospect of the Achievements of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy
Yao Yuqin Ink Bamboosand Red Plum Blossoms 1
Orchids 2
Shang Yanzhi Splendour and Peace 3
Pomegranates and a lotus 4
Zhang Shutong Longmen Cave of Emei Mountain 5
Landscape (in the Style Created by the Painters of Yuan Dynasty) 7
Chinese Herbaceous Peonies 8
Daffodils 9
Xiong Songquan Two Tigers 10
Cedar and a Leopard 11
Fan Shaoyun Conveying Provisions in the Snow 12
Sunrise in the Mountain 13
Mountain after Snow 14
Wu Dongmai Loquats 15
Red Plum Blossoms 16
Zhang Yuguang Cooperative 17
Peacock 18
Sun Xueni Harvest of Fishery 19
Crab and Haricot Beans 20
Zheng Jibin Chrysanthemums 21
Fringed Irises 22
Ma Gongyu Harvest of Wenchow Oranges 23
Cat 24
Shen Maishi Reservoir on Xin an River 25
On the Way to Xufu Rock 27
He Tianjian Mountain in the Autumn 29
Hutou Rock 31
Hotel in Huang Mountain 34
Heaven of Beauty and Peace 35
Lotus Peak 37
Feeding Buffaloes 39
Zhu Qizhan City Greening 41
Landscape 42
Beautiful Brooks in the Mountains 43
Chrysanthemums and Rocks 45
Wistaria 47
Wu Hufan Snow on Mountains 48
Mist in Mountains 49
Scenery of Xijiao Park 50
Evergreen Pine Trees 51
Tower in Mountain 52
Bamboo 53
Celebrating the Explosion of the Atomic Bomb of China 55
Deng Huainong Silkworms 56
Nice Scenery of Dongting Lake 57
Yang Qingqing Cloud and Springs 58
Zhu Wenhou Labour Creates All 59
Two Tigers 61
Yuan Songnian Morning 62
Red in the Green 63
Liu Haisu Red Plum Blossoms 65
One-line Sky of Huang Mountain 67
Pine Trees in the Cloud 69
Tianmen Kan of Huang Mountain 71
Rain of Jiangnan in the Spring 72
White Dragon Pond of Huang Mountain 73
Hu Boxiang Cows of the Commune 75
Wang Geyi Sunflowers 77
Diligence and Thrift in Running Household 78
Harvest 79
Daily Life 80
Wheat and Green Vegetables 81
Qian Shoutie Eagle on a Pine 73
Loquats 85
Euphonious Sound of Flowing Water 86
Rolling Hills 87
Feng Zikai Drunks Went Home 88
"Fallen Flowers,Not Emotionless" 89
Exchanging Products 90
To Drink Water and Think of Its Source 91
Don t Talk about the Beautiful Clouds 92
Cascades 93
Zhang Shiyuan West Peak of Hua Mountain 94
Morning Cloud 95
Li Qiujun Harvest 96
Conveying Fertilizer 97
Wu Lifu Hydropower Station on Xin an River 99
Landscape (in the Style Created by Shi Tao) 101
Lin Fengmian Rolling Steel 103
Three Pears 105
Pear Blossoms and Birds 106
Farmhouses 107
Farmhouses 109
Painted Folding Screen 111
Guan Liang A Fisherman Killing the Family of a Tyrant 113
Figures in Beijing Opera 114
Taibai Writing in Drunkenness 115
Figures in Beijing Opera 116
Mandarin Duck Tower 117
Figures in Beijing Opera 119
Xie Zhiguang "10,000-ton Hydraulic Press" 121
Boats on a River 123
Dear Aunty 124
Shipyard 125
Zheng Mukang Picking Cocoons 126
Hongxian Stealing a Box 127
Lai Chusheng Sweet Potatoes 129
Collecting Rapeseeds 130
Tampalas 131
Chinese Flowering Crab Apples 132
Plantain and Frogs 133
Jiang Hanting Bamboo and a Pheasant 135
Azaleas and a White Parrot 136
Smartweeds and Mandarin Ducks 137
Mynahs and Azaleas 139
Radishes 141
Zhang Dazhuang Ripe Fruits 143
Harvest of Fishery 144
Broad Beans Arriving 145
Prawns and Bamboo Shoots 147
Lu Xiaoman Hairtails 149
Qingliang Terrace of Huang Mountain 150
Ge Xianglan Scenery of Huang Mountain 151
Farm 152
Shen Zicheng Angel Fish 153
Chen Qiucao Welcoming the Spring 155
High Mountains and Long Rivers 157
Chrysanthemums 159
Geranium Flowers and Daffodils 161
Huang Huanwu Rosebays and Pheasants 162
Fisherboat on a River 163
Ye Luyuan Poinsettias 164
Morning Glory 165
Chen Xiaocui Messenger of the Spring 167
Zhang Chongren Cat 169
Wang Jiqian Fruit 171
Lu Yifei Swallows and Peach Blossoms 173
Load Full of Rice 174
Singing Bird and Azaleas 175
Phoenix Flowers 177
Lu Yanshao Water Channelled onto the Mountain 179
Nice Scenery of Yandang Mountain 180
Cultivating the Fields in Yandang Mountain 181
Commune in the Morning 183
Construction of the Country Needs Men of Great Ability and Tremendous Promise like the Woods in the Mountains 185
Long Coastline Built by Iron 187
Zhou Lianxia New Life 189
Flowers 191
Dong Tianye Children 192
Fishing Port in the Morning 193
Xie Zhiliu "Pavilion, Woods and Waterfall" 195
Pavilion in Pines 197
Green-colour Landscape 198
Grazing on Grassland 199
Boats on a River 201
Tang Yun Plantain and Birds on Bamboo 203
A Corner of Hennery 205
Scrambling for the Feed 206
Lotus Blooms 207
Ying Yeping Squirrel on a Bamboo Shoot 209
Hydropower Station on Xin an River under Construction 210
Bank of Huangpu River 211
New Look of Ciping 212
Pine Trees and Clouds 213
Wu Qingxia Wild Geese in Reed 215
Jumping Fish 216
Zhu Meicun Pond Full of Fish 217
Liu Sanjie 219
Repairing the Blast Furnaceto Quickly Refine Steel 221
Zhang Xuefu From Floods into Electricity 222
Cherry Blossoms and Swallows 223
New Look of Loading Area 224
Zhang yanfu Tangerines of Tai Lake 225
Cui Deqi Bamboos and Orchids 226
Pan Zhiyun Scenery of Li River 227
For Achieving the Electrization of Agriculture 228
Cao Jianlou Pomegranates 229
Daffodils 230
Tang Yifang Protecting Chaff in a Tempest 231
Flowers of My Motherland 232
Get-together of the Army and the People 233
Lv Meng Working in High Spirits 235
A Corner of Courtyard 237
Pang Zuoyu Haricot Beans 238
Bursting into Bloom 239
Yu Zicai Ascending Higher 241
Yandang Mountain 242
West Ridge of Yandang Mountain 243
Hu Ruosi Pine Tree in the Cloud of Huang Mountain 244
West Peak of Hua Mountain 245
Yu Yunjie Dew of Morning 247
Shao Luoyang Lazi Pass 248
"Orchids, Spring and Rocks" 249
Seven-li Long 251
Sun Zubo Snowcapped Mountains 252
Picturesque Peaks and an Amazing Cave 253
Shen Roujian Lotus Blooms 255
Chrysanthemums 257
Fruits 258
Daffodils 259
Jiang Shenghua Two Ducks in the Shadow of a Willow 261
Spring Flowers and Birds 263
Qiao Mu Spring 264
Bamboos and Birds 265
Golden Pheasants 267

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