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   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 民间艺术 >> 如何挑选中国刺绣(英文)
> 如何挑选中国刺绣(英文)
出版社: --
作者: 编著:(澳大利亚)卫瑞斯,任月圆
开本: 32 出版时间:2009.01
印次: 2009年1月第一次 所属类别:民间艺术
ISBN: 9787508514833  
定价: RMB 68.00


  China Intercontinental Press.
  This handy guide gives you all the information you need to choose and buy embroidery in China with confidencce.One in a series of four titles, it explains clearly and simply what to look for, where and how to shop in China, and questions you should ask.Great tips, price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.


Why Embroidery?
 Legends and Truth
 The Art of the Needle
 A Valuable Investment
 A Cultural Gift to the World
 The Silk Road Continues
A Fabulous Show
 Four Beauties of the Embroidery Family
 Horsetail Embroidery
Embroidery Process
 Ingredients for an Embroidery Recipe
 Preparation for the embroidery cook-up
 Add Auspicious Elements
 Use Classic Embroidery Patterns
Sharp Eyes
 Quality Detection
 Points to note
 Hand vs Machine: Spotting the difference
 Keep an eagle eye on "Ancient Pieces"
Reference Price
 The Market
 Price Calculator
 Calculating Hint No. 1
 Sample Embroidery Art Pieces
 Souvenirs and Presents
Shopping Spots
 Some Buying Practice
 Sharpening Your Bargaining Skills
 Details of Stores
 Chinese Phrases Used in Buying Embroidery
 Watch Your Tone


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