
·《吴冠中全集》 ·人民美术出版社 ·世纪可染---文献集
·傅抱石全集(6卷) ·紫禁城出版社 ·上海中国画院书法篆刻集
·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
艺术图书 >> 油画雕塑 >> 2005杨冕眼中的“标准” >> 杨冕的中国当代艺术奖金评语


出版社联系方式:其他 电话:

  CCAA(Chinese Contemporary Art Awards)1998
   哈拉德.森曼 (1998) Harald Szeemann for YangMian

  Identifiction with the smiling and laughing models that can be seen everday in newspapers and on television, has long since become a part of the mainly female youth culture, and in this way a social problem. To the painter who devotes himself to this cliche it offers a wide range of different postures and of blissful and unique background coiors of pink, pale yellow and mauve.His starting point is the frontal portraits of girls, sometimes romantic with their head resting on their hands, sometimes proudly displaying their stylish hair, sometimes p ush ing pert their bust line, sometimes jaunty with a lyttle hat and tight plaits,sometimes embarrassed with folded arms, yet always facing the vicwer. In the same direction, the focus on the crowns of their head, then a group portrayed face on to those in profile, a one-child family,in a tondo composition, with father filming and mother and child grouped in harmony, or a swanky duo dressed up to party, The slightly unreal appearance of these standardized groups is intensified by thinly applied colors, where the plastic effect results more from a masterful application of color rather than from a concern with the forms of the body.
  The titles of the painting underline this search for typical behavioral gestures: youth standard, flesh tone standard, changingstandard,changing standard, standard of Familial Bliss, extending to the puestioning and confusion of different generations in M other/Daughter standard. Once familiar with these manifold charming appearances. One discovers a carmine blue or yellow brushstroke like a slight wound crosses the painting at various levels to the figures, yang mians devotlon and skill uses this mark to provoke questions. and through this expressive gesture, the standardizing of beauty becomes relative, the intensity of the seduction heightened.

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·1998年 风韵“标准”之一
·1998年 清新“标准”之一
·1998年 自我制造的“标准”
【与中国当代社会同步的有“标准”的审美 杨冕访谈录】

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