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·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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  In a special age, I started my relation with the oil painting, it must be my luck.
  A day in 1967, on the way from school to home, when passing by the gate of my father's barback, I noticed that some soldiers were building a high wall inside the gate. The wall standed in the middle most obviously, as if it should be. Around a half month later, a "great painter" putatively then in the local barbacks finally came. He painted on the wall a huge portrait of Mao Zedong with some special paints. At that time, this was a must and called "Loyalty Devotion". Later on, I found that inside almost every gate of public units had such a high wall with the same portrait, he was lofty, burly and his face glowing.
  Every Chinese was familiar with the portrait. What made me very surprise was the effect made by the paints, so miraculous, affecting and perfect. As a child of 12 then, watching such a vivid picture, I didn't known such an effect whether made by the function of paints or by the skill of painter. That ordinary work influenced me so much that I always stood and gazed at the high wall every day after school, and couldn't move my step. It was in those days, I heard that this kind of picture called oil painting, which is not only beautiful, but also waterproof, wind- resistant and anti-sunburn. When enjoying the wonderful painting by that great painter with the wonderful paints, I was charmed, fascinated and hoped to picture like that.
  Since then, I planned to make my own "oil painting". My father knew my desire and became my big supporter. However, it was a great pity that the Chinese society was in chaos then and offered no conditions needed for my learning. Furthermore, the Linyi city I lived was a small town, I couldn't find the books and paints needed. Specially for satisfying my desire, father went to the provincial capital city and bought me some paints, which seemed a big luxury for me, though in fact a pity because the kinds of paints were very few in the eyes of today. I felt very warm, very happy, watching the paints which could help me create the figures, even happier than that I could see Chairman Mao with my own eyes-at that time, the greatest honour in one's life was to see Chairman Mao with his own eyes.
  My first oil painting was on the wall of our house. That day, my parents went to work. I was too impatient to wait, and quickly started my creation. I must act first and report afterward. If I asked my parents beforehand, they, at least my mother, could not allowed my action of polluting everywhere. I imitated that Uncle Great Painter and made many small grids on a paper portrait of Chairman Mao, and then did the same on the walls with the magnified grids. Then, I drew the portrait for larger, then, painted it......At that time, I thought that such pictures should be only drawn on the wall, simply because that Uncle Great Painter did so and I didn't known the existence of canvas. My first oil painting brought many visitors, all my neighbors. I guessed that they learned from my father, he told them how excellent his son was, the boy could draw a portrait of the great leader on the wall. During those special years, most of the young people run everywhere "to make revolution", it was rare for a child to learn a kind of art! Before my first painting, I did not draw any oil painting, but I had experiences of drawing and polluting everywhere for years. We can imagine how poor my first oil painting and its colour effect were. But, I estimate that the painting was not too bad, because during those years, if the painting had some big mistake, my parents would not dare to show it to the people, because it would cause very serious political troubles.
  Afterwards, I started my oil painting creation in my small room, full of my works, and my parents were my "fans". Their praises for my works gave me great satisfactions, even encouraged in some degree my vanity. That was a spring time for me. The painting kept me away from the social turbulence outside, and helped me gradually touch the art, and I grew up with it. Later, I found a job in a factory located in the remote mountains and became a member of the working class. My job was dull, however, the only thing that conciliated me was some propaganda activities in the factory, such as drawing the pictures of Chairman Mao and the picture posters. I calmed down and even enjoyed myself to the full as long as I got contact with the paints.
  At the age of my 16, by chance, I entered the Shandong School of Art and became a so-called art worker. Among the curricula of the School, the oil painting class was my favorite, for which I dreamt day and night before, because colour always brought my excitement. The oil painting class were few, yet made me glad. During the years later, I thought it many times that if someone's occupation satisfies his interesting, he must feel very happy. Studying in the Shandong School of Art and closing to the oil painting art meant the life gave me a fine chance again. Thereafter, I passed the entrance examination of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and became a student specializing in the oil painting. When graduated from the academy, I became a teacher in the Academy. During those years, I did some oil paintings, but mainly I was a teacher of fine art, all my creations were extracurricular. It was in the year of 2004, I began my new job in the Beijing Art Academy and since then became a real professional oil painter.
  Many art critics and oil painting fans have been paying their attention to my works all the time, and they wrote many articles to comment on my works. All of these are helpful and beneficial to me, I really appreciate their help and comments. As a painter, what I want to say are all in my works. I want to create, on purpose, a misty, indistinct world of feelings, a picture space made in the language of oil painting. This kind of language, which has been testified by numerous great artists in the long history, is different from those in the other art subjects and has its own unique, irreplaceable visual logic. Therefore, the oil painting art owns the extremely large space for expression, and has an extraordinary artistic charm.
  I hope that both you and I shared the feelings I expressed. By means of the figures and the surroundings in my oil paintings, I try to express the feelings, which may be somewhat sorrowful implied in the raptures, or somewhat a sense of yearning hidden in the calm atmosphere, or some uneasy sense shown unawarely from the red colour overflowing with enthusiasm, or, some saddish feelings depressed under the bright sunshine...... I desire to express exactly my sensations and emotions by the simplest colours and the plainest language. What I hope is that: each of my friends who are concerned about my works, according to his/her own experiences, can easily step into the world I create, and shares my works with the sympathetic responses. The beautiful things I believe need to be and can be shared together. As human beings, all of us are the members of the human society. Each of us exists individually, but, in nature and aesthetics, we are close to each other and can communicate in common. You are my bosom friend, if you can sense the longing, admiration and anxiety in my paintings.
  Everyone is changing, so am I, so are my paintings. I don't know whether you can feel some gradual changes in my style. To perfect pictures of my paintings, I always try to absorb every artistic nourishing elements, which may be coming from other kinds of art, or from the vast oceans of Chinese traditional culture, but, more from the inspiration, changes and conflicts of our real life .These artistic nourishing elements are quite important for the continual appearance of new pictures of my paintings. The changes in my works, I hope, are natural-just like my age growing in a natural way. The age, or the time, gives me experiences, apperception and sensation, all are beneficial to my life and my paintings. The indissoluble bond has linked me and oil painting art started from my childhood when the child boldly painted on the wall. Since then, forty years passed, my life in oil painting ! Time flies fast, quickly passed day and night. It flies too fast! When I just begin to comprehend the oil painting art, I am lost, I don't know where I should start to say about it-indeed, language and colour are not the same thing. I think, for me, a lover for the oil painting and a human being devoted to the oil painting all his life, that the simplest, most reliable and sincere expression is to study, study, try to do a good job in painting art.
                                    Wang Yidong
                                    December 2006

                              (Translated by Wang Xinhua)



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