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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
   您现在的位置:全部图书 >> 报刊杂志 >> 收藏界2012年第10期(总第130期)
> 收藏界2012年第10期(总第130期)
出版社: 中国《收藏界》杂志社
作者: 编著:中国《收藏界》杂志社
开本: 16 出版时间:2012.10
印次: 2012年10月第一次 所属类别:报刊杂志
ISSN: 1671-5055  
定价: RMB 20.00




随波逐流易 独善其身难 董凡
王刚砸宝—持宝者该不该愿赌服输 丁子荃
品味西周玉器之虎纹、兽面纹 方其
玉沁真伪辨(一) 朱纪
战国玉璜的雕琢工艺技法 杨玉彬
甘园瓷话·谈明代正德青花装饰纹样 曹淦源
—曾熙帽筒赏析 陈树群
元代景德镇枢府釉瓷道教纹饰研究 余金宝
—景德镇民国神话人物瓷画精品赏析 梁正君
西安发现的磁州窑三彩器 王冬华
—从几件作品看早期浅绛彩瓷社会属性 王军
—刷花帽筒赏 田军生 曹琳
老董观泉·汉异形生肖天象花钱 董大勇
一砣难求的“长捺大观折十”钱砣 王纪民
—一枚“母子相榷理论”的实物样本 叶柏光
古币二品 段宝红
陇西发现西夏“贞观宝钱” 牟世雄
四枚元武宗时期珍稀钱币鉴赏 柏光
“鬼崇祯”考辨 蒋将
中国银币“大十珍”与“小十珍” 刘英杰
细字版稀见“至正通宝”当十大钱赏析 许杰
第三套人民币五角券为什么迟发行10年 李明信
从我收藏的吴湖帆山水画说起 黄道明
厚承家学 博采众长
—清代书画家王宸《百事如意松柏长春图》赏析 杨亮
艺术珍品 永世传承
—孙大光捐赠安徽省博物馆明清书画作品赏(四) 马起来
顾恺之和他的表现主义 王永贵
富贵人家门前的上马石 王长启
宋金元砖雕杂剧人物带来的信息 东方晰
晋绥《人民画报》赏析 成凯
铜镜中的人物故事 李建廷
边城觅宝探风情 刘永国
千年瓷窑古镇的历史印记 李海流
伴友写生偶得清代插屏 于永海
古生物化石收藏的法律陷阱 王耕
壶水长流 墨香四溢
—走访江阴市宝壶斋茶具博物馆 辛友/
《古陶瓷鉴定》概论 张佳宏
—陕西省民间博物馆协会赴河南考察交流 高功
红木盛宴 群雄聚会
—第十届中国红木古典家具展览会巡礼 高功
石鲁传奇(连载之二十二) 阎正
〔Classical character〕
●PU Aanguo
〔Chief editor’s sight line〕
●It is easy to go with the stream, but hard to be righteous alone in moral where others are indifferent It is easy to go with the stream, but hard to be righteous alone in moral where others are indifferent (DONG Fan)
〔View point of collection〕
●WANG Gang smashing treasures — whether it is shouldn’t do for a treasure-holder? (DING Ziquan)
〔Jade playing·Jade collection〕
●Tiger and beast-face emblazonry on Western Zhou Dynasty’s jade ware (FANG Qi)
●Genuine and fake jade-qin(1) (ZHU Ji)
●Carving skill of jade-huang during Warring States period (YANG Yubin)
〔Appreciating porcelain and pottery〕
●Talking about Ming Dynasty Zhengde blue-and-white porcelain emblazonry (CAO Ganyuan)
●Appreciating ZENG Xi’s hat-holder (CHEN Shuqun)
●Yuan Dynasty Jingdezhen porcelain Taoism emblazonry (YU Jinbao)
●Mythological figure in Jingdezhen porcelain painting during the Republic of China period (LIANG Zhengjun)
●Cizhou kiln tri-color porcelain discovered in Xi’an (WANG Donghua)
●Looking at the social property of purple-red porcelain from several early works (WANG Jun)
●Appreciating porcelain flower hat-holder (TIAN Junsheng CAO Lin)
〔Special column conducted by Dong〕
●Special Chinese zodiac and sky phenomenon pattern coin, Han Dynasty (DONG Dayong)
●A rare “Chang Na Da Guan Zhe Shi” coin weight (WANG Jimin)
●Appreciating rare small coin “Da Song Tong Bao” (YE Boguang)
●Two articles of treasured coins (DUAN Baohong)
●Western Xia coin “Zhen Guan Bao Qian” discovered in Shaanxi (MOU Shixiong)
●Four pieces of rare coin of Yuan Dynasty (BO Guang)
●Investigating the coin “ghost Chong Zhen” (JIANG Jiang)
●China silver coin “ten large treasures” and “ten small treasures” (LIU Yingjie)
●Rare large coin “Zhi Zheng Tong Bao” valued ten (XU Jie)
●Why third series of the renminbi 5 jiao note delayed for 10 years to issue (LI Mingxin)
〔Collection and discussion on books and paintings〕
●My collection of WU Hufan’s landscape painting (HUANG Daoming)
●Appreciating Qing Dynasty painter WANG Chen’s painting (YANG Liang)
●Appreciation of Ming and Qing Dynasty paintings donated by SUN Daguang to Anhui Provincial Museum (4) (MA Qilai)
●GU Kaizhi and his expressionism (WANG Yonggui)
●Mount stone in front of the wealthy family’s gate (WANG Changqi)
●Information coming from the tile-carving drama figure of Song,Jin,and Yuan Dynasties (DONG Fangxi)
●Appreciating Jin-Sui “China Pictorial” (CHENG Kai)
●The story about the people in bronze mirror (LI Jianting)
〔Collecting along with tour around the world〕
●Seeking treasure and explorating folk custom at border town (LIU Yongguo)
●History trace of thousand year porcelain kiln (LI Hailiu)
〔Collection Story〕
●Obtaining a Qing Dynasty table screen by chance (YU Yonghai)
〔Focusing on collection world〕
●Law pitfall in paleontological fossil collection (WANG Geng)
〔Appointment in museum〕
●Overflowing around the pot-water and ink-fragrance—Visiting Jiangyin Baohuzhai Tea-set Museum (XIN You)
〔Contention in collection world〕
●Introduction to ancient ceramic appraisal (ZHANG Jiahong)
〔Special report〕
●Unofficial museum rising abruptly in Central Plains
— Shaanxi Unofficial Museum Association went to Henan for investigation and exchanging (GAO Gong)
●Extraordinary gathering of rosewood— Visiting the 10th China Rosewood Classical Furniture Exhibition (GAO Gong)
〔Appointment of collection and appraisal〕
〔Auction Collection〕
〔Information of collection world〕
〔File of artist〕
〔Collection of famous masters’ paintings and calligraphic works〕


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