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> 收藏界2012年第12期(总第132期)
出版社: 中国《收藏界》杂志社 |
编著:中国《收藏界》杂志社 |
开本: 16 |
出版时间:2012.12 |
印次: 2012年12月第一次 |
所属类别:报刊杂志 |
ISSN: 1671-5055 |
定价: RMB 20.00 |
目录 /经典人物 封二 祝君波 /总编视线 19 藏市与江湖 董凡 /藏界视点 24 收藏,回归人文的精神家园 ---第三届世界华人收藏家大会在台北市举行 高功 /玩玉·鉴玉 33 益阳市博物馆藏玉鉴识 卜珩一 38 玉沁真伪辨(三)朱纪 42 灵宝仰韶文化出土玉器赏析 王延敏 杨海青 47 汉代玉璜赏鉴(一)杨玉彬 50 东周玉器纹饰的分期特征 丁哲 李昊 /说瓷赏陶 55 甘园瓷话·元、空白期、弘治青花纹样对比鉴识(上)曹淦源 60 默坐难禁心上事 吕晓涢 63 紫砂云根《觚棱壶》 ---兼谈老茗壶的配盖 谭文诚 66 香引芙蓉惹钓丝 ---新见仕女垂钓图瓷罐赏析 呼啸 68 别具特色的沅水下游彩绘陶 周新国 72 记几件福建德化窑纪年器物 孙艺灵 76 家藏百年暖酒壶 王大庆 77 吉州窑酱褐釉印花枕鉴赏 李训刚 /老董泉苑 78 老董观泉·虎虎生风 辟兵莫当 董大勇 79 最早的重宝钱:干元大钱 魏咏柏 80 举世无双的“大观通宝”大铁钱 叶柏光 81 “天聪汗钱”真容再现 黄明东 82 一枚仿唐代“干元重宝”样的高丽王朝珍品钱 ---“干元重宝”背“东国” 周金科 84 金朝最后的年号钱 ---“天兴宝会” 钱浅析 黄正明 85 “金国通宝”银质大钱疑是赝品 ---与陈瑞海先生商榷 彭乃贤 86 三枚不同版面的宝泉局“乾隆通宝”宽缘钱 黄绍锦 87 简说我集藏的安徽“奖”字铜元 刘盛全 /藏书论画 88 超脱灵变 诗情逸趣 ---浅谈吴茀之作品辨伪 骆 风 93 品雪景山水 赏人文雅趣 贾关法 98 指间素雅墨清趣 ---清指画画家翁仁《荷塘水鸟图》赏析 王厚宇 刘振永 100境外油画收藏的隐喻陷阱 王耕 /市场连线 104 齐白石拍品红火 九成是赝品 李蜚鸿 /鉴·辨·赏 105 黄金易得 田黄难求 ---乾隆帝田黄三联玺鉴赏 初澜 106 丰富多彩的石马槽 王长启 111 重庆的金漆木雕家具 谌永万 113 新钢笔画:从小众欣赏到大众收藏 吴伟忠 /特别报道 116 对话路中汉 /藏界争鸣 118 论古陶瓷气泡 论古陶瓷软道 张佳宏 /拍卖收藏 122 乾坤天地九龙瓶 124 耀州窑唐宋陶业 126 /藏鉴有约 127 /藏界资讯 /艺术家档案 130 孙文忠 /名家书画收藏 132 石鲁传奇(连载之二十三-二十四)阎正 138 /全年总目录^_^〔Classical character〕 封二●ZHU Junbo 〔Chief editor’s sight line〕 19 ●Collection market and the charlatan(DONG Fan) 〔View point of collection〕 24 ●Collection,returning to culture spiritual home --- The 3rd World Chinese Collector Conference held in Taibei(GAO Gong) 〔Jade playing·Jade collection〕 33 ●Appreciating jade ware collected in Yiyang City Museum(BU Xangyi) 38 ●Genuine and fake jade-qin(3)(ZHU Ji) 42 ●Yangshao culture jade ware unearthed from Lingbao(WANG Yanmin YANG Haiqing) 47 ●Appreciation the jade-huang of Han Dynasty(1)(YANG Yubin) 50 ●Periodical characteristics of Eastern Zhou Dynasty’s jade decoration(DING Zhe LI Hao) 〔Appreciating porcelain and pottery〕 55 ●Comparison of blue-and-white patterns between three periods of time(CAO Ganyuan) 60 ●Hardly to stop thinking of it(LV Xiaoyun) 63 ●Zisha “Gu Ling pot” --- also talking on tea-pot’s cover(TAN Wencheng) 66 ●Appreciating lady angling painting on porcelain jar(HU Xiao) 68 ●Distinctive color-pottery of the Yuanshui-downstream area(ZHOU Xinguo) 72 ●Several pieces of Fujian Dehua kiln year-numbering wares(SUN Yiling) 76 ●Family collected 100 year wine-warming pot(WANG Daqing) 77 ●Appreciation of Jizhou kiln porcelain pillow(LI Xungang) 〔Special column conducted by Dong〕 78 ●A tiger pattern coin of Han Dynasty(DONG Dayong) 79 ●The earliest zhongbao-coin: Qian Yuan Da Qian(WEI Yongbo) 80 ●Unique “Da Guan Tong Bao” large iron-coin(YE Boguang) 81 ●“Tian Cong Han Qian” re-appearing(HUANG Mingdong) 82 ●A precious Korean coin --- “QianYuan Zhong Bao” with “东国”on the back(ZHOU Jinke) 84 ●The last reign title coin of Jin Dynaty --- “Tian Xing Bao Hui”(HUANG Zhengming) 85 ●Silver large coin “Jin Guo Tong Bao” is suspected to be a fake --- discussing with Mr. CHEN Rui(Peng Naixian) 86 ●Three different layout of Baoquan-Bureau “Qian Long Tong Bao” coins(HUANG Shaojin) 87 ●My collection of Anhui copper coin with character “奖”(LIU Shengquan) 〔Collection and discussion on books and paintings〕 88 ●Fake-identifying of WU Fuzhi’s works(LUO Feng) 93 ●Appreciating snow landscape with cultural elegance(JIA Guanfa) 98 ●Appreciating finger-painter’s work “lotus pond and water bird”,Qing Dynasty(WANG Houyu LIU Zhenyong) 100 ●Pitfall in outside oil painting collection (WANG Geng) 〔Market connection〕 104 ●QI Baishi’s works flourishing in auction, ninety percent are fakes(LI Feihong) 〔Appraising·Distinguishing·Appreciating〕 105 ●Appreciation of Qianlong emperor tianhuang-stone triple royal seal(CHU Lan) 106 ●Variety of stone mangers(WANG Changqi) 111 ●Chongqing gold lacquer wood carving old furniture(CHEN Yongwan) 113 ●New pen painting: from appreciated by a few people,to collected by the masses(WU Weizhong) 〔Special report〕 116 ●Dialogue in Chinese 118〔Contention in collection world〕 122〔Auction Collection〕 126〔Appointment of collection and appraisal〕 127〔Information of collection world〕 130〔File of artist〕 132〔Collection of famous masters’ paintings and calligraphic works〕 138〔Arts-and-Crafts master〕 |
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