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·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
艺术图书 >> 摄影摄像 >> 布拖记事---大凉山腹地彝人生活实录 >> 20世纪1980年代的布拖


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    Butuo in 80s last Century

  While making my way to Butuo in 2000, I recalled my first trip there in 1985. I was then a photographic journalist and was sent there by my news agency to take pictures during the local torch festival. The county seat then was very small, composed of a simple street junction, extending around 100 meters or so in each direction with a few stores and groceries selling daily articles, unbottled liquor and other necessities including edible oil, salt, vinegar and, of course, tea. The busiest part of the town was definitely the cultural center at the junction of the streets where the Yi dances to celebrate the torch festival were rehearsing. This attracted a number of Yi young men wearing stylish mantles- known as “chaerwa”and Yi girls adorned with colorful pleated skirts and holding yellow tarpaulin umbrellas. On the streets the gorgeously dressed Yi girls moved around in groups, while passengers and onlookers feasted their eyes on this spectacle. Occasionally someone showed off a then fashionable single cass ette tape recorder, drawing envious looks.
  By the year 1985, just a few years after the heraldic opening and reform in the country and the second year following the land contracting system was practiced in Butuo county, the Yi people were aroused of their great working enthusiasm and productivity that had been restrained for years. As a result, their living standard had been remarkably improved. This was evidenced by the young men and women roving around and creating colorful street views. In fact, I envied them very much. Though living in a big city, my monthly salary was only a little more than 50 yuan, barely enough to maintain the living necessities of a family of 3. I could not afford to buy a then fashionable single cassette tape recorder, let alone leading a pastime like the well dressed Yi young people there. The feeling of superiority from a big city was next to zero. Wang Linglu, then Secretary of the CPC Committee in Butuo county told me:”the land contracting system has benefited the Yi people a great deal. Their living condition became even better than the average workers with the county CPC committee offices.”
  Following my visit in 1985, I went to Butuo several times in the next few years and found the township industries such as feather factories, liquor distilleries and tungsten ore mines spreading here and there in the county rose rapidly. Though there was no tremendous change in the county seat, the number of stores increased dramatically and fashionable commodities could be seen everywhere. In particular, I reached some townships and villages in Tuojiao and Temuli where I didn’t see great change in the style of Yi life and mode of their productions. However, tractors were first seen in the valley plain and, in general, the living conditions of the Yi improved a great deal. They were substantially benefited in the early stages of reform.


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