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·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
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  曾经有朋友好心建议请位德高望重的学术权威写篇序言, 仔细一想,罢了、罢了,自己的血管里流淌的本身就是平民的血液,又何必把自己假扮成“圣人”。尽管文字粗糙,思想浅薄,但毕竟是个人的所思所想,权当自序吧。



  The Yi in Butuo as a part and an epitome of the Yi in the Grand Liangshan Mountains are also an element of the nine hundred million of the Chinese farmers.
  What do the Yi need? What kind of life do they long for? How do they look at the outside world? How do they pass on and stick to their tradition and culture?...I deeply understand to answer these simple and complicated questions, you have to become a true member of the Yi community, making your way into their real life, even into their blood, thus to perceive the essence and intrinsic character of the Yi ethnic minority. Unfortunately, I was only a passenger of the villages in the hinterland of the Grand Liangshan Mountains. There was no way for me to completely join them, let alone go deeply into their lives. It would be a ridiculous exaggeration to say I “entered” the Yi life by such short and superficial experience. During the years 2001 - 2006, I made numerous trips to the Yi townships and villages in Butuo on the hinterland of the Grand Liangshan mountainous areas. Using my camera, I documented current life and living conditions of the Yi people in the hope that these pictures will let more people understand and pay attention to the existence and development of the Yi people.
  My experiences there, however, made me more respectful to the Yi. Living under the most adverse natural conditions and challenges, they continually lead a hard but peaceful life, demonstrating a kind of the greatest vitality and the unique ethnical spirit of the Yi. Some attribute their poverty to their being “Lazy”. This is talking nonsense without any understanding of the real life of the Yi. We could hardly imagine that if putting ourselves under the same living circumstances, we are able to live as naturally and peacefully as the Yi do. We, urban dwellers, take many advantages of the times and localities. It would be misleading and unfair to look into and exam the life of ethnic groups who live in the remote frontiers, by standards or our own living experiences. As a professional photographer, while seeking exposure of the objective and true images, I respect more the identity and integrity of the objects in my works. Trying my best to avoid any assessment and option based on my personal experiences, I observed the normal Yi life in a vision of an ordinary person. My good awareness and consciousness tells me to document, by means of photography, the people I came across and their life I witnessed in the hinterland of the Grand Liangshan mountainous villages, in a way that is objective, uneventful and true to the fact. In any case, if these collected photos reflecting the Yi life in Butuo could only provide fragmented source of materials for the research of sociologists, anthropologists and ethnologists, I would feel quite satisfied and rewarded.
  The central government has decided as of January 1, 2006, the agricultural taxes, known as the indispensable “Imperial grains and national taxes”over the past 2,600 years, be relieved from the 9 hundred million farmers - undoubtedly, a tremendous favor for Chinese farmers. The fundamental issue in the process of modernization in China is the issue of rural areas and the issue of farmers. As the country has placed on top priorities the farmer issue, encouraging changes begin to take place in the expanded countryside. The conditions including income, residence, education, medical care and other aspects directly related to their daily life have been steadily improved. However, we have to be well prepared and clearly aware of the fact that there are 9 hundred million farmers in China. It is a long-term and arduous job to work out a thorough solution of the problems faced by Chinese farmers.
  Pending the publishing of “The Vicissitudes of Butuo”, I have been recalling all the individuals and occasions I encountered in Butuo throughout those years. While associating the enormous concerns and attentions that are given to the Chinese farmers by all walks of life in the current society, I suddenly find a relief to my heavy heart...


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