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    The Village School

  Mahe Laniu, 52, the first Yi teacher I met in March, 2002, had been teaching with the Bumo primary school at Shougu village for 12 years with a monthly salary less than 200 yuan. He was an honest and good hearted man. The school building had collapsed due to many years of disrepair. After great efforts coordinating all the village agencies, a former room for community activities was vacated and made into a makeshift classroom. It had a space of only 20 square meters and was so shabby that it was well lit by sunshine through the rifts on the roof when it was fine and when it rained, the class had to stop. A villager whispered to me, “all the desks and chairs in the classroom were made by Mahe Laniu, the teacher himself, who bought timbers out of his own pocket and did all the carpenter work on his own.”Though the desks and chairs were simply made of wooden rods roughly nailed with wooden panels, the teacher’s devotion and dedication won my great respect and admiration.
  In November 2003, I paid a special visit to Mahe Laniu. Holding my hands, he told me in excitement that the township had allocated 60,000 yuan to build up a school there. Hence, children would no longer suffer from rains in their classrooms. The students increased to 77 with 2 teachers. A number of second-hand desks and chairs had been transfered to the school from the central school on the district level. The great change taking place within one year was amazing and I was really happy to learn the good news for the children. Mahe Laniu said: “It was your attention and concern for the school that brought us a big change. You are our distinguished guest and I sincerely invite you to my home.”He immediately had someone prepare to slaughter a sheep at his home. However, I declined this by creating some excuses. While deeply respecting the Yi hospitality and honesty, I was also aware that one sheep meant a major part of income over the year for an Yi villager even though a sheep only made an ordinary meal for rich urban people.
  The mandatory education system has long been established in China’s urban area, filled with both public and private schools as a result of reform. Family support for a child in education is no longer a big issue. However, in rural area, particularly in remote mountainous villages, schooling remains a serious problem for children. With an average annual income of 170 yuan, the Yi villagers in Shougu village could hardly keep living. Certainly,supporting their children’s education was far beyond their capability.
  I went to visit Mahe Laniu again in April, 2006. His home looked the same as before. His son, a former backup teacher at the township school, had quit his job and made his way to other places to earn his living because salary for backup teachers reduced from 200 to 100 yuan. As of 2005, all primary and middle school students in Butuo began to enjoy waivers from tuition and textbook fees,as well as subsidized meals and boarding. This was a huge favor for the children who live in the hinterland of the Grand Liangshan mountainous areas in dire need.
  Bilingual education of both Han and Yi languages are offered in schools at the Yi villages in the Grand Liangshan. Since standardization of the Yi language in 1980, the Yi language has been standardized from some 8000 irregular characters used by various Yi tribes into most commonly used 819 characters. Through visit to the Yi villages, the Han language was found prevailing in the basic textbooks. However, in the Yi communities within the hinterland, only young people speak standard Chinese and most of the elderly people are unable to speak, some even don’t understand standard Chinese at all.


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